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試譯 雨夜的小徑
2023/05/20 11:13:02瀏覽441|回應0|推薦14


濕黑的一個晚上,In a damp and dark night,
沒有星星也沒有月亮;there were no stars or the moon.
一盞路燈苦守着雨夜的淒凉,A street lamp was my only company in the gloom of the rainy night.
雨點結成露珠,由額上滴落。Raindrops became dewdrops, trickling down from my forehead.
一滴又一滴 one drop after another.

愛的幽徑生滿了青苔。Moss spread over the silent trail of love.
我卻愛在那裏徘徊 However, I enjoyed lingering over the dream.
風雨曾摧掉綺夢,which had been shattered amid the rain and the wind.
倩影何日再隨月光歸來。When will I see you return beneath the moonbeams?

那像是好久以前,It seemed a long, long time ago;
又像剛剛失落的昨天;or it was just like the loss yesterday.
雨夜漫漫正拉着追思的琴弦,The rainy night was playing the tune of my memories of you.
雨點攙和淚珠,由眼角滴落。Raindrops mingled with teardrops, trickling down from my eyes.
一滴又一滴,one drop after another.

愛的幽徑生滿了青苔。Moss spread over the silent trail of love.
我卻愛在那裏徘徊 However, I enjoyed lingering over the dream.
風雨曾摧掉綺夢,which had been shattered amid the rain and the wind.
倩影何日再隨月光歸來。When will I see you return beneath the moonbeams?

PS: The first time I heard of the song was when I took my military service at Kinmen over half a century ago. I found the song, sung by the then-famous singer 美黛, in a record stored in the recreation room of the company I was with. After so many years, I met the song again at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fpg2vc7kTvQ in Youtube.  

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