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2022/12/07 19:08:05瀏覽727|回應0|推薦13 | |
謝太傅寒雪日內集,與兒女講論文義。俄而雪驟,公欣然曰:“白雪紛紛何所似?”兄子胡兒曰:“撒鹽空中差可擬。”兄女曰:“未若柳絮因風起。”公大笑樂。即公大兄無奕女,左將軍王凝之妻也。 Xie An of Jin Dynasty once summoned a family gathering on a snowy day, and he discussed essays and poetry with his families of younger generation. Soon storm came. Delightedly, he asked, " What the drifting snowflakes look like?" His nephew, Huer, said, "They look like spraying salt toward sky." His niece chimed in, "They are more like catkins flying by the wind. Xie An then burst into laughter of rapture. His niece, Xie Daoyun, was the daughter of his elder brother, and later the wife of General Wang Lingzhi. PS FYI, since then, sometimes a woman of intelligence and learning has been referred to as a 柳絮之才. |
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