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2023/01/17 12:49:04瀏覽650|回應0|推薦12 | |
齊有貧者,常乞於城市。城市患其亟也,眾莫之與。遂適田氏之廄從馬醫作役而假食。廓(郭)中人戲之曰:"從馬醫而食,不以辱乎?"乞兒曰:"天下之辱莫過於乞。乞猶不辱,豈辱馬醫哉?" A pauper in State of Qi was often begging for food in towns. The townsfolks loathed him so much that they stopped feeding him any longer. So, the pauper started to earn his food by working at the stable of Tian, a noble, as an assistant to a horse doctor. Some people outside the town taunted him and said, "Arent you ashamed of yourself for food from a horse doctor?" The pauper replied, "No shame could be more humiliating than begging. I had begged for food, why should I now feel ashamed of living off a horse doctor?" PS I watched a video showing homeless people were swarming and sleeping around the perimeter of Taipei Railway Station in the nights. The scene made me think of this essay of Lie Zi. |
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