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"Mother, you're the MVP." by Kevin Durant
2014/05/09 00:02:28瀏覽174|回應1|推薦3

You may not know who is Kevin Durant if you are not a fan of NBA, but I am one of his diehard fans.(Partly because my son is also named Kevin.)  He is the starting small forward of Oklahoma Thunders and the top scorer of the association three years in a row, tall but as quick, nimble, and skillful as any point guard.  Yesterday he acquired the award of MVP(Most Valuable Player) of the year.  He deserves the title.

In the awarding ceremony, Kevin Durant recounted how he was brought up in a single-parental, poverty-stricken family by his mother alone, how she made him stay away from streets and whetted his interest in basketball as to guide him to what he is today.  When he finally choked out, "Mother, you are the MVP.", the mother, Wanda Durant, burst into tears, covering her face and wept.  All of the audience gave the mother and the son a standing ovation for thirty seconds. The moving scene also reduced me to tears.

Children, such simple words would be the best present for all mothers on coming Mother's Day.

P.S.  Another piece of news reported that my favorite baseball star, Mike Trout of LA Angels gave a luxurious SUV to his mother as Mother Day's present.  Well, I guess Mike Trout comes from a decent white family, unlike that of Kevin Durant's.  So the two different presents signify differently.   

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Kevin Durant
2014/05/10 06:45

I watched the broadcast, too.  It was moving and touching.

I like Kevin Durant as well.  Besides his athletic capability, he is certainly a nice person, humble and well-behaved.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-05-10 13:37 回覆:
I agree with your comments on him.