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2019/11/12 10:14:39瀏覽572|回應0|推薦12

From Luntai(輪台) to our next point Kuga County(庫車縣), we drove on a portion on Tarim Desert Highway or Taklamakan Desert Highway, the worlds longest desert highway ever built over shifting dunes.  The portion we were on is also called "petrol-desert-highway" which was strategically built for the newly-found oil wells in the desert during early 90s.    

Enough said.  Let us see two more detailed reports "塔克拉瑪干沙漠公路——人類治沙的奇蹟" at https://www.toutiao.com/a6754168823940645389/, and "最難修的沙漠公路:在流沙中修路446公里,綠化带寬達78米" at https://www.toutiao.com/a6747688497554948616/, thanks. 




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