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南疆行(六)---胡楊木,紅柳, 蘆葦, 與沙丘
2019/11/11 13:25:43瀏覽571|回應0|推薦8

In the neighborhood of Tarim Basin and Taklamakan Desert there are Huyang tree(also known as desert poplar胡楊木), Hongliu (branchy tamarisk紅柳 ) and Reed (蘆葦) widely grown.  Those plants are all capable of withstanding drought and bitter cold, and preventing the sand from sprawing.  Particularly for Huyang, it is so tough that is "able to live for a thousand years, to continue standing on ground for another thousand years after death, and to be not rotten for another thousand after it tumbles down."

To me, the beauty of Huyang, Hongliu, and Reed mixed is a perfect foil to endless dunes in such a scenery of desolution. 

PS Following pictures are all captured from internet.  Thanks to the photographers!

胡楊木 的圖片結果
胡楊木 的圖片結果
胡楊木 的圖片結果
胡楊木 的圖片結果










Prospering Huyang

 shrivelled Huyang
Hongliu(branchy tamarisk紅柳 )
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