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2018/08/07 19:57:11瀏覽771|回應0|推薦7

Who is Ms Yang Kaihui?  You may or may not know her.  She was the first wife, and a stalwart revolution partner of Chairman Mao, also a mother of three young boys when she sacrificed her life in 1930.  Attached below is one of the notes she wrote to her cousin on the eve of her execution ordered by a KMT warlord.    https://www.toutiao.com/a6582111620976083459/

Mao once said that carrying out revolution is not like hosting a banquet.  He had sacrificed at least six of his close next of kins throughout the revolution, including his beloved wife and his oldest son.  Wonky Cai, what are you going to sacrifice for Taidu?  Bah, I forgot, she got absolutely nothing to lose.  So dear islanders, think twice and never listen to her crazy talks. 


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