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2018/08/17 08:08:44瀏覽1266|回應1|推薦5 | |
纖雲巧弄,飛星傳恨,銀漢迢迢暗度。 While the manifold shapes of clouds formed various patterns, sparkling stars hastened to convey a sentimental message through the skies. Tonight, Lady Weaver will walk silently over the long and winding journey of the Milky Way onto the bridge that a flock of magpies made it to reunite with her lover, Cowhead, only once a year. 金風玉露一相逢,便勝卻人間無數。 The rendezvous, accompanied by autumnal zephyr and jade-like dews, are so deep-felt and sweet that all kinds of affairs in this mundane world pale by comparison. 柔情似水,佳期如夢,忍顧鵲橋歸路。 Their tender love of reunion lingered such a short period, like a transient dream, that they were reluctant to take a look on the mappies bridge, from which soon she would double back to heaven. 兩情若是久長時,又豈在朝朝暮暮。 So if the unchanging love between two lovers were to last forever, why should they care about whether they could live together day and night? P.S. Today, conventional 乞巧節 on the 7th day of July of the lunar calendar has evolved into a Chinese Valentines Day. May all lovers have a happy ending! FYI, again, I would like to tell you that today is also my mothers birthday; since lunar July is the first month of Autumn, so my grandfather named her "織秋." |
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