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2018/03/13 23:02:40瀏覽346|回應0|推薦4

One of the most intolerable news televised in Taiwan is the deluge of car accidents or even fender benders.  But a piece of similar news today made me feel really bad all night long.

An inadvertent sedan driver opened his front door to hit a passing motorcycle on which a mother was riding and her daughter sat pillion.  The hapless mother and the five-years-old daughter fell on the ground, and then the tragedy happened: another motorcycle from behind was too close to hit brake in time and so run that poor girl down again.  The little girl was killed on spot, and her mother was severely injured.

Dear fellow car drivers, may I advise you to foster a habit of using your right hand to unlock the front door whenever on Taiwans bustling, motorcycle-swarming streets.  In so doing you have to turn half of your body around to left side, thus, in addition to relying on rear-view mirrors only, would give you a much wider vision to watch the traffic situation outside your car.



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