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學日倭古文, 奏日倭軍樂?
2017/08/31 15:01:03瀏覽527|回應0|推薦4

Subject are things Wonky Cai is going to do or just did.  There have been great deal of comments given on newspapers or in internet, and most of the critiques focus on the consequences of Cai's moves, i.e. abandon the important things and to run after those less important, or "黄鐘毁棄, 瓦釜雷鳴”.   

But I worry more about those wild escapades out of political motivation will result in total despondency from China's Mainland, and thus adopt aggressive acts towards Taiwan, diplomatically, economically, and militarily, without more scruples.  Why will that be?  Simply because under such kind of ideological education, lesser and lesser islanders will regard themselves as Chinese any more.  Under this circumstance, how can you throw yourselves on Mainlanders' mercy while you occupy the land that traditionally belongs to China only, and that is also the fact that has alredy been recognized by the majority of the countries in the world. 

FYI, In China, from 2016 Chinese language taken in high school entrance test will be up to 150 points from 120 points; English points will be decreased from 150 points to 100 points in college entrance test.  From this semester starting September 2017, the syllabus of Chinese will be so revised that student must learn words first before they are taught Pinyin system, and throughout the entire six years in primary school, students must learn 132 classic Chinese essays or poems.  In contrast to Taiwan's reckless de-China movement, the reform in Chinese language China's Mainland just reflects her confidence in Chinese culture revival.

Learning Chinese classics is kind of wasting time for our kids?  Well, it's much worthier than learning "Martian Words" or how to use facial stickers in test messeges.         




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