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Probably it was a red herring, again.
2017/08/22 15:05:57瀏覽500|回應1|推薦4

A ludicrous incident took place in Taipei the other day.  A jobless, middle-age man brought with him a hammer and enter into Museum of Military History which is located at Boai Special District.  What was he supposed to do in the museum?

He used the hammer to crack a glass exhibition cabinet, taking away a Japanese sabre, on which there was stained with the blood of at least 107(innocent) lives of Chinese people during Resistance War Against Japan.  Report said he took away the sabre, without anybody being aware of it, exited the museum, swaggered along the street with his hand carrying the sabre, and finally approched one of the gates at Presidential Hall.  A military police saw him and tried to stop him, but he chopped the latter injured with the sabre.  Finally the other polices brought him under arrest.  Report also said polices found a PRC national flag in his pack, and he claimed, as an unionist, he watched CCTV news everyday.

The "incident" really boggles the mind!  It aroused suspicion from me, and among other people, especially it happened just when the repercussions of 815 power failure had reached a climax.  I think the whole thing was not just an outburst of pent-up fury out of a frustrated individual, being without any hidden agenda.  Oherwise, please convince me by clearing up following doubts:

aaa:  How come that man cracked the glass cabinet in the museum without being noticed, that's incredible.

bbb:  Taiwan has boasted of its ubiquitous camera sensors, not to mention in Boai Special District.  Okay, then display the video of that man swaggering on the street with a sabre on his hand.

ccc:  Where was that PRC flag?  Show me.

ddd:  People in Taiwan still can't watch CCTV programs on TV.  So that jobless guy must watch them through internet, and he might not afford the telecom fee. 

eee:  Report said the injured military police received treatment in NTU Hospital after the incident.  As usual, media would televise the hero on gurney or on bed.  Why didn't this time? 

Conclusion: the "incident" may be another big red herring orchestrated by DDP in order to die away people's concern over power failure. 


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2017/08/27 12:03
Their skillful manipulation of follower's mind is still working well in So. Tw. ~~ Sad and hopeless!
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-08-28 01:06 回覆:
You can say it again!  Thank you for visiting me.