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118. 改天吧! Another time… e.g. Let’s go out again tomorrow night. B: Maybe another time… I’ll take a rain check. e.g. I’ll take you out to dinner. B: I can’t tonight, but I’ll take a rain check. 注:rain check本意來自比賽因下雨而取消,所發給觀眾下次入場得延期證明;或是商店再減價時段特價品賣完時,發給客人在有貨時可以相同優惠購買該商品得證明。 119. 我不管! I don’t care! e.g. But your rival has everyone’s favor… B: I don’t care! I’m going to beat him. Just watch. 注:I don’t give a damn! =I don’t care. 但是更粗俗一些。 120. 別多嘴。 Enough! Shut up! 121. 耍大牌。 Poser! e.g. Who does she think she is? A movie star? What a poser! 122. 何必呢? What for? e.g. I want to go back to school. B: What for? You already have a Ph D! Why are you doing that? e.g. You have all the toys you need. Why are you buying more? Why are you doing that? 注:依說話的語氣,意思可能是刻薄的反諷,好奇的詢問,或是冷漠不想搭理對方。 123. 書呆子。 Nerd. e.g. All he does is study. He never goes out. What a nerd! 124. 不錯吧? Look, not bad, huh? e.g. I’ve organized all this information for the presentation. Look, not bad, huh? 125. 真可怕! That’s terrible! 126. 別妄想! You’re dreaming! / In your dreams. 127. 你真行! You’re so great! / You ‘da bomb! / You are the bomb. 128. 不難吃。 Tastes good. 129. 真體貼! So affectionate! e.g. Did you see the way she touches him? So affectionate! 注:另外一種口語用法是”lovey-duvvy”,但是比較負面,含有受不了別人如此親熱的意思。 130. 得了吧! Come on! 131. 末班車。 Just made it. e.g. I was the 150th prize-winner! Just made it for the championship! 注:本句得相反詞就是名落孫山, “just missed it”。 132. 猜猜看! Guess! 133. 這簡單! It’s easy for me! 4 字篇(上) 134.不用擔心! Don’t be afraid. / Don’t worry. 135.長話短說! Make a long story short! 136. 少說廢話! Cut the crap! / BullSHE(粗俗些) 137.你懂什么? What do you know? / you don’t know the half of it! 注:后者批評對方對情況或事情的不了解,不清楚。 138.我盡力了! I did the best I could. 139. 你瘋了嗎? Are you crazy? / Are you out of your mind? 140. 半斤八兩。 Same difference! 141. 這就怪啦! It doesn’t add up! / It doesn’t make any sense. e.g. I just bought milk yesterday… But we’re out of it today. It doesn’t add up! 142. 知足常樂。 Easy to please. 注:相反的就是”hard to please”(很難伺候) 143. 教壞小孩。 Bad influence (on the kids). e.g. I don’t want you to hang out with him anymore. He’s such a bad influence on the children. 144. 小氣巴拉。 Scrooge! e.g. What a scrooge! He didn’t even buy presents for them on Christmas! 注:Scrooge這個字是從迪更斯的小說”小氣財神”中的人物而來,也是圣誕頌歌中的一個主要角色。 145. 不識抬舉。 You just don’t appreciate it. e.g. You don’t know when a good thing’s right in front of you. You just don’t appreciate it. 注:appreciate (欣賞), 相反詞是”scorn(藐視)”,”disparage(貶抑)” 146. 在說一次! Say again? 注:say again是口頭上,私下聊天時的用法。正式一點的像是”Pardon me? ” “Excuse me?”, 或是”Could you repeat that please?”, 會比較有禮貌。 147. 你覺得呢? What do you think? / What’s your opinion?(更正式些) 148. 豈有此理! How did it come to this? 注:通常是事情出乎意料之外,而且多半是朝不好的方面發展。 149. 臉皮真厚! What nerve! e.g. How dare you talk back to your mother! What nerve! 注:本句是指人大膽、無禮的行為。 150. 你急什么? What’s the rush? 151. 沒完沒了。 Will it never end? Doesn’t he know when to stop? 注:will it never end? 就文法上應該是:Will it ever end? 這里用Never,是在強調語氣懂得無奈。 Someone doesn’t know when to stop 意思是”有人就是不知道適可而止。” 152. 太過分了! That’s too much! 153. 太夸張了! That’s an exaggeration! 154. 死都不要(干)! Over my dead body! 注:這句的愿意是”等我死了再說”,用隱喻的方式表達說話者強烈的反對。 155. 真沒想到。 I had no idea. 156. 我的媽呀! Oh my god! 157. 趕時間嗎? Are you in a hurry? 注:in a hurry亦可用rushed for time 或 pressed for time代替。 158. 常有的事。 Happens all the time. 159. 你真沒用! You are useless! 160. 真沒水準! No class! 注:若以classy形容一個人,是指他對許多事物有高水準的品位,雖然”classy”多半是用來形容有錢人,但你對一些事有獨到的品位,你也是classy噢。 161. 不一定啦! Not necessarily. (反義:definitely) 162. 別想騙我! Don’t try to pull one over me! 注:Over me是over my eyes, 意思是”蒙騙”。 163. 想得沒喔! In your dreams! (是指某事極不可能發生) 164. 想都別想! Don’t even think about it! 注:依上下文,這句話可表示威脅,潑冷水或安慰得意思。 165. 怎么搞的? What’s eating you? 形容對方看起來疲憊、沮喪、生氣、不快樂等。 What happened? 一般人常用的句子。 166. 這也難怪! No wonder! 167. 你很煩耶! You’re getting on my nerves! / You’re really annoying! 168. 原來如此。 So that’s how it is! 注:依上下文或語調,說這句話時可以一本正經的說,也可以是”原來如此啊!”帶著諷刺的語氣說。 169. 沒日沒夜。 Day and night。 170. 一視同仁。 Friend or foe… e.g. Whether you’re a friend or foe, I won’t treat you any different. 注:foe的意思是敵人, 同”enemy”,雖然enemy較常見,但這里是要強調兩個字一樣都是f開頭,所以用Foe。 171. 表里不一。 Thinks one way, but acts another. e.g. She’s so hypocritical. She thinks one way but acts another. 注:用這句形容一個人很虛偽,說的一套,做的又是一套。 172. 正是時候。 It’s about time! 173. 真是經典! It’s a classic! 174. 多此一舉! There’s no need! (最常用同義詞:Don’t worry about it.) 175. 真是夠了! That’s enough! (說enough時加重語氣,顯露不耐煩的意思) |
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