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2021/04/16 12:00:11瀏覽2166|回應0|推薦0

▲師長與學生現身操場舉辦和平遊行Teachers and Students Show Up for the Peaceful Gathering

記者/張庭愷 (新北市新店區)


3月22日至26日,學生會在校方同意下發起意義性的精神周 (類似於美國的Spirit Week) ,目的是藉由穿搭象徵性的衣服,為各種弱勢族群取得公眾關注;像是周四的粉紅日,學生可自由穿著粉紅色的衣物,為乳癌病患取得更多重視。而隨著精神周即將結束,同學們認為有必要為禮拜五最後的彩虹日畫下華麗的句點。

Reporter/TK Chang (New Taipei Xing Dian District)

March 26th, showing support to the LGBTQ+ community, students hosted a Peaceful Gathering activity, inviting 200 students and teachers to gather at the field during lunch time, raising the rainbow flag together.

From March 22nd to 26th, the student council promoted a meaningful Spirit Week, encouraging various dress codes to show support for minority groups; for example, “Pink Day” on Thursday encouraged students to wear pink, spreading awareness for breast cancer patients. As Spirit week approached the last day, students agreed to end the week with a colorful encore.

▲舉辦人吳秉剛同學 Parade Founder Bobe Wu


After discussing with the teachers, the founder of the Peaceful Gathering, Bobe Wu, decided to call for a prosperous parade, standing up for all students’ voices. The following day, Bobe, Adam Huang, and Amelia Su planned the Peaceful Gathering Parade, promoted on social media.

協助舉辦人黃少璿同學 Co-Founder Adam Huang



教務處系主任 Frankie Tsui表示,這次的遊行是為了支持彩虹日而舉辦的,希望讓大家知道所有人都是平等的且應該被尊重。看到學生們能應變的如此快速,有效並獨力的策畫和平遊行,系主任認為這證明了學生是有能力為自己的權利而行動,更是讓大家知道,身為學生是有能力去改變世界的。





最後,發起人吳秉剛表示 : 「我嚇到了,我沒料到現場會有這麼多人。感謝所有到場支持的學生老師們,這次的活動證實了我們是能為了正義而團結的。隨著時代的變遷,我們將會繼續遇到類似的困境,但希望我們都能夠再度抬起胸膛,一起為了我們的人權而發聲!」

With detailed planning and thorough preparation, the parade soon began.

During the parade, Friday 26th at noon, up to a quarter of the students and most of the foreign teachers attended to show support. The student council also passed out free rainbow masks while Bobe, Adam, and Emelia made rainbow posters, decorating the eye-catching scene.

According to DAA’s Dean, Frankie Tsui, the parade highlights the importance of Pride day, aiming to tell the world everyone is equal and deserves respect. Admiring the ability of students to organize an impactful event at such short notice, Dean Frankie believes this demonstrates how students can change the world with their own power.

As the parade progressed, Dean Frankie also took part, inspiring the students with a motivational speech, encouraging students to be brave, wishing they will be able to express their true inner selves.

Ethics teacher Michael Liu stated: “If the moral of the activity is clear, teachers will continue to support Pride Day.” He hopes students can explain the meaning of this parade, let others know they’re supported, and influence others in a positive manner. People should speak words of support, and not ‘prejudice and pride.’ Of course, Mr. Liu hopes everyone values the importance of the parade, not following the flock like blind sheep.

One of the most eager ones to take part, student E. believes he’s speaking for himself, wanting his group to be seen, to be accepted, and to replace unnecessary discrimination.

After the students and the teachers took a lap around the field, the first ever Peaceful Gathering in Kang Chiao announced its closing remarks. As the crowd cheered and celebrated, the rainbow color also began to fade, yet some teachers stood firm until the very last second, clarifying their stance for LGBTQ+ community.

At last, Bobe admits: “I was shocked. I did not expect so many people to actually show up. Thank you to all the students and teacher who came to the scene, this parade proved that we could speak for justice. As time changes, we will continue to face similar obstacles, but I hope we are all able to stand up and fight for our rights!”

學生於遊行高舉海報板 Students Raising Posters During the Parade

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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