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Too Young 太年輕
2024/05/25 04:04:07瀏覽289|回應0|推薦20

太年輕(Too Young)是一首流行歌曲,由 西德尼李普曼(Sidney Lippman)作曲, 西爾維亞迪伊(Sylvia Dee)作詞,納特金科爾(Nat King Cole)於1951年發行,另一個成功的版本由唐尼·奧斯蒙德(Donny Osmond)於 1972 年發布

Too Young Nat King Cole

Too Young Nat King Cole karaoke

Too Young Donny Osmond

too young  Johnny mathis  

too young  Johnny mathis karaoke

They try to tell us were too young 他們試圖告訴我們我們還太年輕

Too young to really be in love 還太年輕,無法真正去愛

They say that loves a word 他們說愛是一個詞

A word weve only heard 一個我們只聽過的詞

But cant begin to know the meaning of 但無法開始了解其意義

And yet were not too young to know 但我們還不算太年輕,不知道

This love will last though years may go 這份愛將持續多年

And then some day they may recall 然後有一天他們可能會回憶起

We were not too young at all 我們一點也不年輕

And yet were not too young to know 但我們還不算太年輕,不知道

This love will last though years may go 這份愛將持續多年

And then some day they may recall 然後有一天他們可能會回憶起

We were not too young at all 我們一點也不年輕


( 音樂 )
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