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2006/03/09 16:58:36瀏覽669|回應1|推薦27 | |
昨天上課時, 欣賞了一首歌, 也不知為何有著很深的感動!! 人的一生不可能永遠順遂, 但也不會一直處於困境, 就像春. 夏. 秋. 冬四季的更迭!! 有時, 太陽會被烏雲遮著, 天空頓時灰黯起來, 有時, 北風驟起, 吹落了一地的枝葉, 令人覺得蕭瑟孤寂, 年紀漸長, 對"無常"或有體悟... 上天藉著各種發生, 讓我們去經歷生命中的喜怒哀樂, 有時候靜靜的觀照自己..... 喔! 原來欣喜時的我是這樣的...! 不過心跳好像有點快..然後, 自然而然的會讓自己不要興奮過頭! 喔! 原來這樣的事情會讓我暴跳如雷...哇!好像快失控了...這樣的嘴臉.... 诶!! 怎麼無端的悲傷鬱悶起來了呢! 所有的人事似乎都很灰黯...憂鬱症嗎? ...... 接受自己的各種狀態 , 任何的發生都會讓自己產生情緒的變化, 然, 終究會恢復平靜, 不也是各種不同的發生, 豐富並括大了你我的生命嗎? 開心得手舞足蹈 ---- "係瓦啦" 怒吼得像潑婦罵街 ---- "係瓦啦" 哀怨的像個棄婦 ---- "馬係瓦啦" 自在的像枝頭的小鳥 ---- 勾係我啦. 藉著這篇文章, 感謝在許多"發生"中陪我一起經歷的人們!! 感恩你們在看過各種面相的我, 卻不曾嫌惡, 尤其是老爺子. You've Got a Friend When you're down and troubled And you need a helping hand And nothing, but nothing is going right Close your eyes and think of me, and soon I'll be there To brighten up even your darkest nights You just cll out my name, and you know wherever I am I'll come running to see you again Winter, spring, summer, or fall All you have to do is call, and I'll be there You've got a friend. If the sky above you turns dark and full of clouds, and that old north wind begins to blow Keep your head together and call my name out loud And soon I'll be knocking on your door. Hey, it's good to know that you've got a friend. People can be so cold. They'll hurt you and desert you. Well they'll take your soul if you let them. Oh, yeah, but don't you let them. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |