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2009/02/13 17:04:54瀏覽976|回應0|推薦33 | |
I will tell you everything you would ever like to know 我會說你想聽的話 All the stars you wish upon I will make them yours 為你摘下所有所願的星星 I'll speak to you in poetry to fill your dreams with light 我會用詩句妝點你夢境使之光亮 Make sure your every fantasy comes to life 讓你生命中的美夢都成真 So many things I've never known I will learn from you 你讓我學到好多我不懂的陌生事務 I find reason in your words that you are tried and true 你的話語都是試煉過的真理 I'll always hear your laughter through every sigh and tear 在經歷淚水和那些傷心事時總是期待聽到你開心的笑聲 And cherish one more chance to hold you near 我多想再一次機會去擁抱你 You are my miracle 你是我的奇蹟 You are soft and pure just like the air I breathe 你是如此溫柔純淨就像呼吸的空氣 You, heart of my heart 你佔據我心中一切的一切 There's a secret that you hold 有個秘密在你心中 Deep within that so discreetly hides soul 那樣深藏的靈魂 The strength I simply never found, I will find for you 我會為你找到那一份從未有的力量 What I believe our future holds and I well see it through 相信未來就握在我們手中伴我們一起度過晨昏 To be with you a lifetime is really all I ask 與你共度一生是我真心的祈求 Comme se fosse I'ultimo per noi 像是彼此的初始與最終 You are my miracle 你是我的奇蹟 And it’s crystal clear like endless summer sky 像水晶般清澈透明就如夏日無止境的青空 You, heart of my heart 你佔據我心中一切的一切 There's a secret that you hold 有個秘密在你心中 And it's hidden so discreetly 被隱藏在最深處 That you’ll be my guide to a love that’d last forever 說著你是帶我前往愛之國度的起點 Love, heart of my heart 吾愛,我倆心心相印 There's a secret that you hold 有個秘密在你心中 And it’s hidden so discretely 深藏在靈魂裡 Will you share with me your secret 你是否願意跟我分享你的秘密? Ever More 直到永遠 呵呵~~情話, 即使甜死人也不用償命! 不過呵~~如果相信了, 就等著用雙手奉上自己的生命和一切! 如果哪個男人說出這樣的情話, 該不該丟下一切跟他去浪跡天涯呢? 蕩漾撩人的, 又何只是花開、蜂舞、蝶戀? St. Valentine’s Day~~ 願大家都有浪漫好心情! 後記: 春天到了,一片春情蕩漾,蜂逐花蜜而忙碌;我們在南港茶山上發現一條櫻花小徑,照片是那條小徑上拍的。山櫻的花兒都是羞答答的向下開放,因為這樣就不怕下雨,不會讓雨水積存在花心裡而壞了它們的蜜源,這是物競天擇的自然演變!我忙著拍照,不用怕蜂兒的叮咬;蜂兒也不怕我,因為它們都忙著在花間穿梭採蜜;只是,有點不好意思:為什麼只拍到一堆蜂兒的小屁屁! "Reed" 家有很美的山櫻花,請去看看山櫻花開時!呵呵~~我自嘆弗如啦! |
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