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2013/02/27 05:21:24瀏覽2607|回應26|推薦126 | |
最近挺忙~忙著看醫生! 去了幾趟牙醫種了一顆牙、去眼科換了個progressive的眼鏡,再跟內科醫師約診,拖欠兩年多的體檢該做一做。 年初準備放女兒們再次遠飛時,問了問小蜂鳥們的新年新願,為母的當然以身作則,先丟出自己的新願~「看醫生、照顧好自己」。接下來一如所料,老大、老三悶不吭聲,老二卻早有主意,就是許給自己一個「出氣筒」(Whine Jar,仔細看,不是Wine Jar喔)。 老二自小是我們家的小太陽,天氣好時,艷陽高照、普天同慶;但藝術家免不了感情纖細、多愁善感,忙到天昏地暗之時,難免抓狂,這時周邊的親人、朋友若不小心察言觀色,往往就遭了秧,成了「出氣筒」。 話說兩年前的夏天,這老二到德國遊學兼學德語,借住在柏林老朋友薛阿姨家,薛的寶貝兒子小時和老二在華府同一個兒童合唱團,兩人都屬「個性派」團員。老二做客不到48小時,就傳話回家~她被他逗得氣不過,手一揮就給主人寶貝兒賞一巴掌。 別說外人,生她養她「知女莫若母」的我,也偶爾不察,成了女兒的出氣筒。話說一月底,在南方被上課、教琴、練琴、配伴奏、室內樂合奏、校內校外比賽、演出等繁重行程逼得快不成人形的女兒,屋漏偏逢連夜雨,手機掉入學校戶外演奏場的石椅縫中,為了讓她及時知曉手機更新計畫,用skype和FB呼叫女兒「Call me when you get this message!」,沒多久就接到回訊。 「妳不知道我很忙嗎?我還以為家裡出了甚麼事?.....下回妳能不能不這樣叫人?至少讓我知道不是太緊急的事?!..... 我都忙死了,還得擠出時間想法子給妳回電......」Skype那頭一陣疾風驟雨,為母的幾句安撫,快快收線。 還沒想出法子治這壞脾氣的女兒,女兒倒是先下手為強,24小時不到,她的部落格po了一篇13-hour school days and $16 in the whine jar(原文和蜂鳥的翻譯貼在下面),女兒一月份的出氣筒有16元進帳,顯然蜂鳥也有貢獻。 原來,當別人的出氣筒也能做公益!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (翻譯) 2月2日 一月掰掰!新年的第一個月,象徵希望與樂觀,儘管我曾滿心喜悅地迎接它,送它走,我更無比興奮! 過去這一星期嚇人地忙碌、高壓,在學校時間常常超過12小時,幸好,一場演奏會、兩場錄音、一場甄試,外加報告、兩個演出、無數小時的演練、教琴、預演後,終於熬到二月的到來,還正好是個周末。 說真的,我再喜歡我所投入、參與的這些學習與演出計畫,往往,在緊迫盯人的行程與截期逼迫下,總會忘了對這麼許多的機會感恩,只記得在忙不過來時,不住抱怨。 於是,我在新的一年立下心願~停止抱怨! 具體執行的辦法是:每一次的抱怨,我就丟一元到我的出氣筒(Whine Jar)中。一年後,把這罐子收到的錢,全數捐給慈善機構,要捐給誰,歡迎大家推薦。我的姐姐妹妹認為我應每個月清算一次,因為,她們太了解我,我抱怨多多,不每月一捐,這錢到年底可能會不少,還可能被我挪作買聖誕禮物的基金、、、 一月的出氣筒已有16元進帳,這筆錢該往哪兒去?歡迎大家給建議! 周日,請大家光臨我和Janny的演奏會,貝多芬、浦朗克小提琴奏鳴曲,請你們跟著我們「古典搖滾」;下周三請到Wortham聆賞Carlton和我合作貝多芬的聯篇歌曲《給我遠方的愛人》(An die ferne Geliebte) ,我好愛這些歌曲! ~Y (英文原文出自 http://www.pianistyvonnechen.com/1/archives/02-2013/1.html) 13-hour school days and $16 in the whine jar02/02/2013 Goodbye January! As much as I love the first month fresh with optimism for the new year, I am glad to see it go.
The past week has been impossibly busy and stressful, spending sometimes half a day at school. But finally with a concert, two recording sessions, audition, presentation, recital preview, two performances, and countless hours of rehearsals, coachings, and lessons DONE, it's February and the weekend! Even though I love all the projects I'm involved in, it's always too easy to complain and vent about the overwhelming number of things that need to be done rather than being thankful for so many great opportunities. So as my New Year's Resolution, I decided to stop whining. For every complaint, I will put $1 in a whine jar and at the end of the year, donate the money to a worthy cause. What that is yet I don't know, so if you have suggestions, the comments section is open for your thoughts! My sisters think I should donate monthly since I will undoubtedly complain a lot and may be tempted at the end of the year to spend the whine jar money on Christmas gifts... :/ It's been a $16 kind of month ($5 vent sessions really add up). Who/what should I donate to? Give me your ideas!
For the coming week, check out Janny and me rocking Beethoven and Poulenc violin sonatas THIS Sunday 12:30 at Rice. On Wednesday, catch Carlton and me performing Beethoven's An die ferne Geliebte at the Wortham. I absolutely love these songs. Cheerio, Cheerios, and Cocoa Puffs, -Y
Dear HummingBird(hummingbird2009): 2013/02/27 17:41
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( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |