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2020/04/30 09:07:29瀏覽1195|回應1|推薦30 | |
英國三大報之一的衛報(The Guardian)有一篇以「川普的台灣觀點」為題的報導,內容是台灣政府指控世衛組織不理會其「病毒會人傳人」警告的始末。這篇報導指出:台灣政府通報世衛組織的電郵是在中國向世衛組織報告「武漢有群聚非典型肺炎病例,病人隔離治療中」之後才傳送的,而且,電郵中除了引用中國大陸的報告內容,別無新資訊。衛報的報導清楚說明:台灣政府說謊。
「為何世衛組織忽略台灣官員於12月底寄出的,警告新冠病毒可能人傳人的電郵?」– 週五(4月17日)川普在推特上附和台灣官方的說法。
Trump’s Taiwan angle
Trump’s most recent line of attack has been that the WHO ignored vital warnings from Taiwan.
“Why did the WHO Ignore an email from Taiwanese health officials in late December alerting them to the possibility that coronvirus could be transmitted between humans?” the president asked in a tweet on Friday, echoing a claim made by Taipei.
However, the Taiwanese email appears to have made no such warning. It was sent from Taiwan’s CDC to its WHO liaison officer on 31 December, hours after the first official report of a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan were published online.
According to the text provided to the Guardian, the email said: “News resources today indicate that at least seven, atypical pneumonia cases were reported in China.”
It restates the details of Chinese report, adding “I would greatly appreciate it if you have relevant information to share with us.”
The email did not contain new information, and certainly nothing about human-to-human transmission. The WHO had picked up the same report on the night of 30 December and was urgently seeking more information. On 1 January it activated its incident management support team, putting the organisation on an emergency footing.
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |