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2006/06/28 10:24:46瀏覽819|回應0|推薦4

美國學者周錫瑞(Joseph W. Esherick)有篇文章叫做〈關於中國革命的十個命題〉,他的第二個命題這樣說:「中國革命終歸不是解放,而是一套新宰制取代了舊宰制。」(The revolution was not a Liberation but (for most) was the replacement of one form of domination with another)。他說:

與其說革命是解放的過程,不如說革命是新的宰制(或譯「支配」)結構被創造出來的過程,這新的宰制結構用來跟舊有的宰制結構作戰,打敗它並最終取代它。在這個過程中,中國共產黨讓一些人獲得了權力,並動員起一群新的社會支持者。此外,中共更瓦解了舊的宰制結構——舊的精英嘗到了被消滅、被放逐、被羞辱、被威嚇的命運。但是,倖免於舊精英宰制的人們,並不因此就真的獲得了解放;他們被動地捲入了革命過程,對革命黨有所虧欠,並且臣服於一個新的革命政權。"......the revolution was not so much a process of liberation as a process wherein a new structure of domination was created to do battle with, to defeat, and to replace another  structure of domination. In this process, the Communists certainly empowered new actors and mobilized new social contituencies. They also broke down old structure of domination - eliminating, expelling, humiliating, and intimidating old elites. But those who escaped the domination of these old elites were not just liberated; they were also implicated in a revolutionary process, indebted to a revolutionary party, and subordinated to a new revolutionary regime.")[註]



  • [註]Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, ed., Twentieth-Century China: New Approaches (London: Routledge, 2003), pp. 41-43.
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