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Salut ! Paris
2011/12/10 21:04:49瀏覽158|回應0|推薦3

Hello ! Taiwan,

   Well ! I have lived in Paris for 3weeks and it's no picnic,
living in France is much more difficult than I think, I can handle
the pressure from school and a very picky & difficult roommate,
but it seems impossible for all the artists to show their art work,
 a lot of people even wait for 1.5 years to get a chance to show
their paintings, so I have been very upset, but I decided to keep

trying  and never give up.

   Fortunately I got a chance to have my exhibition in the library,well
I finally think it's always worth trying.

Here is the information about my painting:

   Flora Chen : parole sans frontères

La médiathèque a la joie d'accueillir pour sa première exposition en France Flora Chen. Couleurs vives, esthétisme, onirisme et autoportaits touchants, les tableaux... autoportrait, peinture, aquarelle, pastels, rêve Médiathèque Edmond Rostand
75017 du 10/12/2011
au 04/01/2012  Les mardis, mercredis, jeudis, vendredis, samedis  10:00-18:30 

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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