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Greet you with this poem and the blossom
2009/09/23 11:35:44瀏覽356|回應0|推薦22

Greet you with this poem and the blossom



  How beautiful and bright

The glorious blossom divine.

 煌煌群花質,   光麗何猗猗。


Which shines at the appointed time

With splendour strange and fine.

華麗當時顯,   稱許表神奇。


But here the blossom can bloom

Those killed by summer frost.

含花未及秀,   逢夏罹霜萎。



Who knows the will of Heaven

A scholar leads our gate.

不悟天之意,   哲人引來儀。


We meet but all too soon must part,

  For people are ruled by fate.

會淺離別遠,   皆由靈運衹。


What gift can I bestow

This poem and the blossom I give my friend

何以贈余友?   詩花可送爾;


And now we part for a while,

Our friendship is perpetual existence.

此時只暫別,   情份永立誼。

By Gladys99

23 September 2009

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