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2009/07/29 14:55:24瀏覽448|回應0|推薦18




夢中的朋友 Dream's friend


幻想的同伴 Illusion's comrade


你是沉默的              You are now silent


連嘆息也沒有          Without even a sigh


像光一樣無形          As formless as lights


  像風一樣不安定     As restless as wind


動作多麼活              With such exuberance 


精力多麼旺            Such vitality


在浪花裡                  You leapt in the waves 


在大海裡浮沉          You swam in the sea


她和你之間              Between you and her


始終有距離 There's forever a distance


像窗外的飛鳥   Like flying birds outside the window


像天上的流雲          Like float clouds in the sky


像河邊的蝴蝶          Like butterflies by the river


既羞澀而美麗         She is shy and lovely


你上去 , 她就飛      When you rise, she flies away.


你不理她 , 她攆你   You ignore her, and she nudges you. 


她永遠 陪伴你         She is always with you. 


是你最好的朋友      Being your best friend. 



By Gladys99

  29 July 2009


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