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2009/06/26 03:29:47瀏覽515|回應2|推薦10 | |
2007年在一次Yard Sale無意間看到這玩具Gril, l覺得很可愛就花5元買下. 當時馬修還小不會玩, 他就只會按下按鈕, 然後玩具Grill就會說話, 插上各式的叉子,鏟子,番茄醬,芥末醬就會發出不同對話, 眼睛及嘴巴還會跟著動呢, 蠻好玩的.. 最近馬修特別喜歡玩這玩具Grill, 我跟拔拔會點餐, 然後他會開始BBQ , 烤完後他會將餐點送到餐桌給我們. 請問, 你有賣什麼東西呢?? (Mama says) I cook burger, egg, bacon, hot dog. (Matthew says) 嘿! Matthew, Can I have burger please! (Dad says) Yep! (Matthew says) Matthew, 那我要蛋蛋喔! (Mama says) 好! Let's cook! (Matthew says) It's done yet? (Dad says) No, not yet. (Matthew says) 還要多久??? 我好餓呀!!!! (Mama says) Hungry? (Matthew says) 對呀! 請快一點嘛! (Mama says) OK! (Matthew says) It's hot. (Matthew says) 對呀! 燙燙要小心喔........(Mama says) 沒多久, 餐點送來囉! They are done. Dad's burger, Mammy's egg and Matthew's hot dog. (Matthew says) Oooooo! It's Yummy!! Thank you Matthew. (Dad says - 假裝吃並做出好好吃的樣子) 好好吃ㄡ. 謝謝你呀... 東西都賣完了嗎? (Mama says) All gone! 沒了! (Matthew says) 你真棒耶!!!!...... (Mama 豎起大姆指對馬修說) 這時馬修也豎起大姆指對媽媽跟拔拔說 Ya !!!!! |
( 心情隨筆|家庭親子 ) |