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Victorian Halls - It All Started in the Hall...這一切都開始在大廳......
2011/12/03 19:00:11瀏覽129|回應0|推薦1

Victorian Halls - It All Started in the Hall...這一切都開始在大廳......

It all started in the hall as a cover up, a white flash as a call這一切都開始在大廳裡為掩護,作為一個呼叫的白色閃光
interrupted us all. Now my head is blank and efforts are fake, 打斷了我們的一切。現在我的腦袋是空白和努力都是假的,
you said I could draw you in any color or shape. The refused record你說我可以在任何顏色或形狀,你畫。被拒絕的記錄
played loud blended and poured out all down the hall where the 玩家大聲混合,潑出去在整個大廳
party split out.群組分裂出來。

Smear the black of our make up to black bars and shake up. If this我們縫補黑網和塗抹黑色妝扮。如果這
is lying, give me crystal lenses on crystal islands. 是在撒謊,讓我在水晶群島得到水晶鏡片。

Cause I don't like the crowds when the gather around, close the因我不喜歡的人群聚集周圍時,關閉該
door, muffle the sound, and take what I found. When we do it門,消去的聲音,並拿走我發現的什麼。當我們做到這一點
it's electric, our body's electric, when we move when we move,它的電,我們身體的電,當我們移動,當我們移動,
when I move it's electric.當我移動的電。

She said, I never like that boy, I never liked that look in his她說,我從來不喜歡那個男孩,我從來不喜歡​​在他那樣子
eye, the way he smiled in the gleam of the blue sky as it came 眼,笑了,因為來了,他在一線藍天
falling down. I never liked the way you lean against a locker, and掉落下來。我從來不喜歡​​你對一個儲物櫃傾斜的方式,並
all that little conversation that you offer, and the way that you 很少交談,您提供的方式,
push your hair to the side and it looks just like me, and the way 你的頭髮推到一邊,它看起來就像是我的方式,以及
that you talk.請您談。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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