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Disturbed - Forsaken
2011/10/31 00:13:07瀏覽109|回應0|推薦1

I'm over it結束了
You see I'm falling in the vast abyss你看在茫茫深淵下降
Clouded by memories of the past對過去的回憶蒙上陰影
At last I see最後,我看到

I hear it fading, I can't speak it我聽到衰落,我不能說話
Or else you will dig my grave否則你會我的墳墓
You feel them finding, always whining你覺得他們發現他們總是嘮嘮叨叨
Take my hand now be alive牽著我的手現在還活著

You see I cannot be forsaken你看,我不能被拋棄
Because I'm not the only one因為我不是唯一一個
We walk amongst you feeding, raping我們走之間餵食強姦
Must we hide from everyone?我們必須對所有人隱藏

I'm over it結束了
Why can't we be together embrace it?為什麼我們不能在一起擁抱它
Sleeping so long taking off the mask睡眠長久拿掉面具
At last I see最後,我看到

My fear is fading, I can't speak it我擔心的是褪色我不能
Or else you will dig my grave否則你會我的墳墓
You feel them finding, always whining你覺得他們發現他們總是嘮嘮叨叨
Take my hand now be alive牽著我的手現在還活著

[Chorus x 2][合唱× 2]


More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/forsaken_lyrics_disturbed.html
All about Disturbed: http://www.musictory.com/music/Disturbed
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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