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2005/10/20 05:28:43瀏覽426|回應0|推薦0

My lover, ere we part,
Give, oh, give back my heart!
Or, since that has left my breast,
Keep it now, and take the rest!
Hear my vow before I go,

By those tresses unconfined,
Wooed by each wind of the Taiwan Straits ;
By those lids whose jetty fringe
Kiss thy soft cheeks’ blooming tinge;
By those wild eyes like the roe,

By that lip I've ever tasted;
By that zone-encircled waist;
By all the token-flowers that tell
What words can never speak so well;
By love’s alternate joy and woe,

The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow-
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?-
With silence and tears.

My lover! I am gone:
Think of me, sweet! when alone.
Though I fly to Bern, Switzerland,
Taipei holds my heart and soul:
Can I cease to love thee? No!


I love you!


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