a. 主對女與末對男,靠近4步,分開4步,在台灣這裡改為男女整列與自己的舞伴靠近4步,分開4步.然後牽手順時針/逆時針轉一圈.接下來換主對男跟末對女重複上述動作(有點像英國黑駒舞,只是英國黑駒舞只有3對,舞步也較為輕快).
b. 接下來主對女與末對男做Do-sa-do (也稱為Do-si-do),換主對男跟末對女重複上述動作.
c. 主對牽雙手,滑步到行列最尾端,再滑回來.
d. 接下來是Reel的精神,右手與自己舞伴勾轉一圈半,變成1男(主對)面對2女,1女(主對)面對二男,左手勾轉轉一圈;回來主對舞伴右手勾轉轉一圈,換成1男對3女,1女對3男.......一直重複此動作,直到對變成最末對.這段舞法猶如捲軸交叉捲捲捲,所以稱為:"Reel".
e. 主對到尾端後,勾右手跳半圈,回到男在男列,女在女列端,主對牽雙手,滑回最前面,準備做分列式.
f. 主對男與女各自帶領男女生,男向左後,女向右後走一大圈; 主對男女牽雙手成手門,其他對陸續穿越手門,2對變主對,原主對變末對.
參考英文舞法說明: Head lady and foot gentleman forward and back: The head lady and the foot man advance forward toward each other four steps and retire four steps backward into place.
Forward again with both hands round: The head lady and foot man advance, join both hands straight across and make one complete turn, then return to places. The head man and foot lady do the same.
Do-si-do: The head lady and foot man advance, pass each other right shoulder to right shoulder while crossing your arms,and without turning, go around each other back-to-back and retire backwards to places. The head man and foot lady do the same. Repeat the Do-si-do by left shoulder.
Head couple gallops four times through the aisle and back: The head couple join both hands and chasse (side slip and close) down inside of the lines four steps and return to the head position.
Right arm to partner and reel. (Right to centre, left to the side.): The head couple link arms and turns around once and a half. (This leaves the lady facing the mens line and the man facing the ladies line). The head lady turns the second man (the second man from the head of the line) once around in his place with left arms linked, while the head man does likewise with the second lady. Head couple then returns to the middle and turns each other again (once around) with right arms linked, and move on to the third couple. This is continued until they reach the foot of the lines, where they turn half way around only, instead of a full turn, so that the lady ends up on her side and the man on the mens side. The head couple then join hands across and chasse (side slip and close) with side steps back to the head of the set. They drop hands and turn out ready for the march.
The march: The head couple separate. The man turns outwards and walks toward the foot directly behind the mens line, followed by all the men in single file At the same time the head lady does the same thing on her side of the set. Then the head couple meet at the foot of the set and walk together to the head of the set, followed by the other couples. When all have reached their original places, all the partners, except the head couple, join hands and hold them high to form a long archway under which the head couple, with hands joined with your partner, walk through the gate. The original second couple now become head couple and the whole pattern is repeated until all have been head couple.
承前,綜觀本舞舞法,與六對的英國鄉村舞蹈”Sir Roger de Coverley”相似度極高,差異只在於”Sir Roger de Coverley”是主副隊對角線穿梭.因此有舞蹈史家認為,本舞應該是囿於”Sir Roger de Coverley”主隊動作時,其他舞者乾巴巴地站在原地無所事事,因此改成所有舞者一起動作,皆大歡喜,因此才形成現在的維州連索舞.
英國鄉村舞蹈”Sir Roger de Coverley”:
音樂的部分,通常使用的是英國傳統民謠.後來美國人流行用幾首不同的美國民謠組成的組曲來配舞.音樂的段落也以四段為大宗.以台灣版用的維州連索舞音樂為例,原組曲內容為: 1.主旋律:美國民謠Turkey In The Straw稻草裏的火雞 2.過場:西元1879年美國喜歌劇潘占斯的海盜中第二幕中插曲”Hail, Hail, the Gangs All Here”的旋律(西元1917年才第一次錄成唱片) (也有一說,是取材自西元1843年一首有關灰色母馬的歌曲:"The Old Grey Mare") 3結尾:用的是魂斷藍橋的主題曲:Auld Lang Syne