先說音樂部份.這首歌曲是西元1978年,由以色列女歌星Hedva Amrani與以色列歌壇另一個組合Pilpel Lavan四重唱共同演唱.歌名原意是同心一氣(英譯:with one heart),或是用盡全心全力.由於這首歌曲趕上當時西方流行歌曲Disco潮流,唱片發行之後相當受歡迎.受歡迎的程到到達什麼程度呢?當時以色列要選出最受歡迎的一首歌代表以色列去參加西元1978年全歐洲的歐洲之星歌唱大賽,這首歌跟另外一首歌並列第一名,殺得難分難解.(題外話,青蛙老師在此透露一下另一首歌的底細,就是番茄姑娘蕭孋珠唱的”迎著風的女孩”的原曲.這樣講大家可能還理解不到,資深的舞友如果聽到青蛙老師這麼形容,可能就想起來了:”你爸爸打破玻璃杯,你媽媽叫你快去拿掃把”.什麼,還是想不起來,那就讓青蛙老師唱給你聽…哦,不是,讓原唱唱給你聽:
5.(第一段旋律) Eize na’ar pele, pere shel adam Bachurim ka’ele, hem lo bnei adam
6.(第二段旋律) Boker mish’tachetz hu, laila letz ben letz hu Shech’var yit’potzetz hu, ve’alav salaam Eich hu ba eleinu, eich oved aleinu Hop, hu kvar eineno, melech ha’olam
間奏. (Aahh…)
3. Salaam aleikum, bo tagid shalom Bo tagid shalom
歌詞英譯: 1. I will not sleep at night, I will not laugh during the day I dont say hello to the star above
2. Im still young, Im alone And who will hug me, night and day If I fall asleep, and my eyes close So the same Ben Hamed, came to me here
3. Salam Alikum, come say hello Come say hello
Salam Alikum, come say hello Come say hello
4. Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace and said hello
Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace and said hello
5. What a boy wonder, a wild man Guys like that, theyre not human
6. (第一段旋律) Its a boring morning, its a lazy night He is about to explode, and Salam upon him How he came to us, how he works on us Hope, he is gone, king of the world
間奏. (Ah…)
3. Salam Alikum, come say hello Come say hello
Salam Alikum, come say hello Come say hello
4. Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace and said hello
Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace and said hello
間奏. (Ah…)
3. Salam Alikum, come say hello Come say hello
Salam Alikum, come say hello come say hello
4. Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace And said hello
Take my hand and give me a hand, and we will sing with one heart Salam Alikum, and we say peace and said hello
有關狄布開舞的起源有幾種說法,根據黎巴嫩歷史學家Youssef Ibrahim Yazbec的說法狄布開源自於數千年歷史的腓尼基舞蹈.而根據巴勒斯坦民俗學家Abdul-Latif Barghouthi和Awwad Saud al-Awwad的說法,狄布開可能起源於古代迦南人與農業有關的生育儀式,趕走邪靈並保護幼苗.最有意思的是第三種說法,相傳狄布開踩踏的動作最初是固化泥土屋頂,人們會一起踩踏房屋屋頂的泥土,幫助壓實屋頂密度,防止形成龜裂,最後演變成今天的狄布開舞蹈形式.
A段第5小節的第1拍寫的是Touch L fwd.Touch本意是接觸,在舞法裏面我們翻譯為”點”,L指的是左腳,fwd.=forward的縮寫,意思是向前.所以Touch L fwd.的意思是左腳前點.第2拍寫的是Bend R knee.這邊沒有生字,很好懂,R指的是右腳.所以第2拍是說右膝彎曲.讀完整句最後兩個字”reverse direction”,這才告訴你方向是”反向”,也就是說前面第5小節左腳是往前點的,到了這裡重複動作是往後點哦.各位看官看到這裡會不會吐血?!光是這2個1/8拍的舞序就寫成這個樣子,還讓不讓人活下去呀?!
英文原文舞序: 在這裡大家的問題是出在第1個measure的第1個count:Stamp R over L,leading w/R shoulder.這個1/8讓後來學這一首舞的人幾乎都走樣了.青蛙老師說明:Stamp=重踏,R=右腳,over=越過或在前面,leading=領導,w=with, R shoulder=右肩.整句話連起翻譯是:右肩領導,右足重踏於左足前.也就是右肩朝圓心(leading),右足重踏.這麼單純的一個1/8拍的動作,幾乎跳對的舞友非常的少,包括外國友社.(或許他們是對Part B一開始的方向敘述: “face center”所困惑,或不知道什麼是leading w/R shoulder.)