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2017/11/23 23:51:00瀏覽1030|回應5|推薦116 | |
FATHER SENDS ME TO THE WORLD'S FAIR .....I sat in the Court of Honour, I walked admiringly around the artificial lagoon, I sauntered through one or two of the exhibition halls, and went back to my boarding-house. There was a great deal else to see, however, and I saw nearly all of it, because it was free. But as Father had said, it was educational. I spent hours and hours roaming through the principal exhibits which were supposed to be good for the mind. They were interesting but monotonous. It was like visiting a hundred museums at once. A few of these palaces fascinated me when I came to them fresh; the Krupp guns were better than anything on the Midway. But the showmanship wasn't. Herr Krupp had announced, by the way, that he was presenting the biggest gun of all to America, "for the defence of the great port of Chicago." Father had especially enjoined upon me the duty of studying the Transportation Exhibits, because he was an officer or director of several small railroads, and he hoped that by and by I might be too. It was quite an assignment. That building had eighteen acres of floor-space. It was built in the form of several large train-sheds. The guide-book explained that "in style it is somewhat Romanesque," and it added that "the ornamental colour designs, in thirty different shades, of its exterior, produce an effect almost as fine as embroidery." 我走入會址,大爲欣賞。真是不可多得見的風光。當然,那些大房子不是石砌的,一百年以後也不會在那裏,但在當時,至少一般眼光看來,它們真是非常偉大。 .....我花了許多時間去看那些有益於思想的主要展覽。它們很有趣,也很單調。正如同時看許多的博物館。有幾個宮殿在我第一次進去時頗能吸引我;克魯伯的槍比中途那些把戲都好看些。但表演的方式卻不行。克魯伯先生也說起,他是代表最大的槍砲廠,爲了保衛大芝加哥港。 父親特別吩咐我,要我研究交通展覽,因爲他是幾家小鐵路公路的董事或職員,他希望以後我也能如此。這是重大的派定職務。交通大廈佔有十八畝地,按照幾個大的停車處造的。導遊書上説明,「是羅馬式的建築型,」,又說,「裝飾的顔色,外面用三十種不同的色調,精巧幾如刺繡一般」 以上摘錄,轉載自本書中文翻譯,純文學出版,張心漪翻譯。 |
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