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"走馬看花" 的人生
2008/10/20 22:02:16瀏覽1254|回應13|推薦79

*博客獨白 1999年 小品: 走馬看花, 10x15cm, 油臘筆塗明信片*
更多 "走馬看花" :

歸園在他這篇旅行,是人生的壯舉文章之中,對 "旅行" 有極深度的探索,在此不再詳述贅言。我們都是生命中的旅客,而旅行的方式又多不勝舉,用心思忖,今後,當我們必須選擇下一站的何去何從時,是不是可以改變一下心態和方法?



是的,當我們計畫著下一個旅程時,地點方向確定了,基本的資訊不必太多但也不能太少。接下來就用"騎著馬看山看水看花看草" 輕鬆逍遙的心態,自在地踏上旅途,就讓許多無可預知的經歷來豐富你的心靈吧!這樣的遊走人生至少不曾令我遺憾。

另外, 推薦幾個另類網站(for "traveler", not for "tourist")。如果你認為你是個 "旅人" 而不是 "遊客",你會讚賞這些網站的觀念,不妨加入會員,使自己視野更加寬闊,天涯若比鄰更不是紙上理想。世界如一家,大家都是世界公民,同時也是世界 "遊" 民呢!
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Oh! Daidi~~~
2008/10/21 03:44

I love this paiting of yours!!!

I love the colors you use. So cheerful, so romantic and bright!

Your paintings tend to be a little "gloomy". This one looks like a beautiful morning in Spring.

Wish you all the happiness in the far away place.....

d.d. (daidihu) 於 2008-10-21 05:26 回覆:
Thank you so much for your compliment! I am glad you like this piece of work. I guess you love the color "pink" which is also in your name...That's why this piece is arising your senses...much more than the other paintings did.

Whether a place is far or not...depends on from where you look upon it. But we all tend to long for places which are far far away and also deep deep inside...thanks for your wish..I certainly will be happy even there will be a lot of toughness on the journey, for sure!

2008/10/21 03:05
極有創意的明信片油臘筆畫, 和介紹 歸園 的好文.
哈哈! That’s what I call “philosophical”……

有個朋友在唸世新觀光系. 她不久前需要寫個報告, 問我"traveler” 和 "tourist”有什麼不同呢?
After doing some light search, 與其告訴她字典裡字義的不同, here is what I told her (words according to Wade) --
A traveler leaves with one bag and returns with one bag, and does not send one home; A tourist leaves with one bag and returns with more than one, and even ships one home.
A traveler buys a one way ticket: A tourist buys a round trip ticket.
A traveler asks what day it is; A tourist always wants to know what time it is.
A traveler walks slowly; A tourist walks fast.
A traveler changes routes, itineraries, schedules and does not know when he/she is going home; A tourist has an itinerary.
A traveler knows that to go everywhere on the planet they cannot avoid getting dirty; A tourist thinks getting dirty ruins his/her trip.
A traveler knows the best way to do laundry is to do one to three pieces in the shower daily…… (How is that for a tip! 哈哈!)
d.d. (daidihu) 於 2008-10-21 05:06 回覆:
書生雖不愛讀書,卻很會 "查書" 和 "說書" 哦!

你那位朋友看過你對 traveler 和 tourist 如此詳細的解說,對他唸的觀光系不知道是不是帶了些打折的態度?

A traveler knows the best way to do laundry is to do one to three pieces in the shower daily...

如果你到了一個連洗澡熱水都要生柴火來燒的地方,或是沒有水不能洗澡的地方...遑論洗衣服? 那根本就是極大的奢侈哦!

G.K. Chesterton
2008/10/21 00:26
"There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there.
The other is to walk around the whole world till we come back to the same place"
- G.K. Chesterton.
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