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2012/11/19 12:39:36瀏覽2351|回應0|推薦4 | |
Rush Hour: Hail a Cab Or Take a Taxi?
Ever feel as if you can't get a cab during rush hour? 有這樣的經驗嗎?交通尖峰時間趕搭計程車,卻等不到一台空車。或是,好不容易搭上了計程車,但是塞車讓你在車內乾著急,看著錶直跳。來看看紐約市計程車現象,學習怎麼用英文說「招計程車」、「跳錶」等相關大都會交通用語。 「招計程車」的英文怎麼說呢? 了解基本的計程車英文之後,讓我們從下面描述紐約市中心曼哈頓計程車現象的例句中學習英文: New data has confirmed the perception that just as afternoon rush is beginning; the taxicabs disappear by the hundreds. Many are heading from Manhattan to Queens for a 1.shift change. 新的觀察數據證實了紐約市的計程車現象:午後尖峰時刻之前,計程車車潮大幅減少了上百輛,許多計程車都從曼哈頓(市中心)開往皇后區(市郊)輪班。 The number of cabs that pick up at least two 2.fares from 4 to 5 p.m. is the lowest of any hour between 7 a.m. and midnight, the data show. 數據顯示,在紐約計程車開始載客的上午七點到午夜時段中,下午四點到五點這個時段,有載客、且車資跳錶至少兩次的計程車數量是一天中最低的。 In Manhattan, the hour from 4 to 5 p.m. has long been considered a low tide of taxi service, the maddening moment when entire fleets of empty yellow cabs flip on their 3.off-duty lights and proceed past the office workers seeking a way home. 一直以來,下午四點到五點間是曼哈頓計程車服務最蕭條的時候。這段讓人抓狂的時間中,想招車回家的上班族眼睜睜看著黃色車潮呼嘯而過。明明有空車,卻因為計程車輪班時段而不載客。 1. Shift change:交通車輛「輪班」的英文講法。也可以用在排班人員的輪值。 |
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