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Debug 五個常用常錯的英文片語!
2013/01/04 09:38:29瀏覽6356|回應0|推薦6



1. I couldn't remember her name when she walked in, but it was on the end of my tongue. 當她走進來時,她的名字就在我嘴邊,但我就是想不起來。

2. He was worried before the presentation, but for him being on the stage was a piece of a cake. 他做簡報之前非常緊張,但上台對他而言根本不算什麼。

3. My supervisor is very down-to-the-earth. He always has a logical and straightforward approach to problems. 我的主管是個很務實的人。他總是用直接且有邏輯的方式處理問題。

4. Don't worry about their arguing. It is just a storm in a cup of tea. 不必擔心他們之間的爭吵,那只是微不足道的小事。

5. I ran over Gary on the street yesterday. 我昨天在街上和蓋瑞不期而遇。

Debug Answer

1. I couldn't remember her name when she walked in, but it was on the tip of my tongue.
你會不會有時候覺得自己記得某人,他/她的名字幾乎就在你的嘴邊,卻怎麼也湊不出來?on the tip of someone's tongue就是在描述這種情況。

2. He was worried before the presentation, but for him being on the stage was a piece of cake.
a piece of cake是指事情非常簡單,可別照字面翻成一片蛋糕喔!

3. My supervisor is very down-to-earth. He always has a logical and straightforward approach to problems.
down-to-earth是指一個人很務實、實實在在。如果某人的想法經常與現實脫節,或者總是無法集中注意力在一件事上,我們可以說他是head in the clouds。例:You must have your head in the clouds if you think you are going to win a lottery.

4. Don't worry about their arguing. It is just a storm in a teacup.
a storm in a teacup(英式用法)或者a tempest in a teapot(美國用法)是指一件事沒什麼大不了,一點也不嚴重--畢竟,風暴發生在茶壺裡肯定是微不足道的!值得注意的是,「茶壺風暴」一詞在中文裡常常被當作是某個團體或組織內部發生的爭執或風波,和英文原意不同。


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