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2012/05/28 15:42:31瀏覽689|回應0|推薦2

The Prosperity and Decline in 126 Years- Avon

擁有126年悠久歷史的美國老牌化妝品直銷商雅芳,因涉嫌違反海外行賄,遭到美國司法部提起長達3年的調查期,最新公布財報數字不佳,評級機構也不看好雅芳經營前景,雅芳首位華裔女性執行長鍾彬嫻2011年交出執行長職務,並找來嬌生前任副總Sherilyn McCoy進行業務重整,而近期法國香水廠商 Coty 展現收購的企圖心,成為McCoy上任後的第一個挑戰。

(A) 傳喚
(B) 改造
(C) 受挫

The CEO and chairman of Avon Products, Andrea Jung was fielding questions during the company's third-quarter earnings call from a pack of frustrated analysts -- and they weren't holding back. The company had surprised the Street, missing analysts' estimates, and reporting that it would no longer hit its revenue-growth and operating-margin targets for 2011.


A day before the October 2011 call, the Securities and Exchange Commission had (A) subpoenaed Avon for information related to whether the company had improperly shared information with analysts -- on top of an SEC inquiry into allegations of bribery by employees in China and elsewhere. On the call Citigroup's Wendy Nicholson said, "It strikes me that you guys are so totally screwed up in so many ways, the change has to be radical."

就在2011年10月法說會的前一天,美國證監會傳喚雅芳,到案說明其不當提供分析師資訊之因;除此之外雅芳也遭證監會提起調查有關行賄中國及其他國家高層的各項事證。就在法說會上,花旗集團 Wendy Nicholson表示:「這件事讓我明白,你們已搞砸很多事情,公司的改變必須徹頭徹尾進行。」

Avon is indeed undergoing a radical (B)makeover: In early April the company announced it was replacing Jung as CEO with Sherilyn McCoy, a Johnson & Johnson vice chairman. McCoy, 53, inherits a 126-year-old company in disarray.


( 知識學習語言 )
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