Minecraft- Create Your Own World
文/ Rex Lo
《當個創世神》是瑞典開發商 Mojang 旗下目前最熱門遊戲,它讓玩家在虛擬空間中發掘素材,創建屬於自己的庇護所,以躲開夜晚怪物的侵襲。這款遊戲自2010年10月上市後至今收入已經超過8000萬美元,累積註冊人數已超過2500萬人,而人人想當創世神的熱潮還未見降溫跡象。
(B) 像素化
(C) 找尋
When programmer Markus Persson, 32, began working on a side project called Minecraft in 2009 there was little to indicate it would go anywhere. His boss certainly didn't think so. "I didn't see any potential in it, and that's the honest truth," says Carl Manneh, who was then CEO of photo-sharing site jAlbum.
當32歲的程式設計師 Markus Persson於2009年開始埋頭研發《當個創世神》,其實並不知道它可以如何發展。「我根本看不到這遊戲的潛力,這是我內心的實話。」 Persson的上司Carl Manneh這麼說,Manneh之後成為圖片分享網站jAlbum執行長。
When Minecraft revenues surpassed jAlbum's shortly thereafter, Manneh realized just how wrong he'd been. And Minecraft has become a gaming phenomenon with no signs of slowing down.
Minecraft is a videogame only in the loosest sense. Digital sandbox is a more accurate description. Players are free to construct buildings and objects out of 3D cubes, polygonal Legos of sorts. The program, which is available for PCs as well as Apple iPhone and Google Android phones, (A)eschews the ultra-realistic, blockbuster graphics of contemporary computer games.
概略而言,《當個創世神》可以被視為一款電玩遊戲,不過數位沙盒是個較為精確的解釋。玩家可以使用3D方塊,類似樂高的方塊來自由建造大樓或是合成任何物品。這套程式除了可以在個人電腦上運作,現在也能在蘋果iPhone 或是Google Android 手機上遊玩,也與那些追求貼近真實、耗時多年來製圖的現代電腦遊戲有所區隔。