J.P.Morgan's $2 Billion Trading Error
(A) 異常交易
(B) 瑣碎
(C) 修正
J.P.Morgan, widely considered the best run of all the large banks in America, if not the world, on May 10th provided the kind of news that has become all too common in the financial industry: a $2 billion charge for (A) errant trades. The markets responded within seconds of the opening on May 11th, sending Morgan’s share price down over 9%, and its value by $14 billion. Late on May 11th, Standard & Poor’s announced it was downgrading the outlook for the company, and Fitch knocked down its ratings.
摩根大通,被公認為全美經營最佳的世界級大型銀行,5月10日因異常交易而爆發虧損 20億美元的熱門新聞,雖這在金融業為司空見慣的事,但美股在消息傳出的第二天即產生激烈反應,摩根大通股價開盤驟跌逾9%,市值蒸發至140億美元。11日稍晚,標普宣布下調該公司投資前景,惠譽也調降其評等。
But while none of these moves were (B) trivial, they were hardly calamitous. The share price decline was sharp but finite. Morgan’s rating remains among the strongest in the industry. Its capital ratios are robust. And even after the loss, it is still expected to earn more than $4 billion in the current quarter, and produce record earnings for the year.