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55. 做一天和尚撞一日鐘,在什么樣的身分、職位和角色,就要盡心盡力、盡責盡分,便是把握當下,就是心靈環保。

Hit the bell everyday when one is a monk.  Do our utmost no matter the role, position, or status is seizing the moment and protecting our spiritual environment.


56. 心甘情願奉獻自己的所有、所知,利益家人、親友,乃至一切眾生,成為大眾所需要的人,便是一個「要人」。

necessary person is one who willingly dedicates his all to benefit his family, relatives, friends, even all sentient beings, who becomes a necessity for all sentient beings.


慈悲智慧  Compassion and Wisdom


57. 人生的苦與樂,往往來自心的體驗。若能把人生的苦樂,當成是增長慈悲心和智慧心的過程,就是大自在人。

The sufferings and happiness in life often come from experiences of the heart.  A person of great inner-freedom will regard lifes sufferings and happiness as a progress towards the increments of compassion and wisdom. 


58. 心中不存得失想,便是世間無事人。無事不是沒事做、不做事而是做事、任事之間,心中沒有罣礙。

A mind without any thoughts about gain or loss is a secular person who does nothing or without any concerns.  Doing nothing does not mean idleness.  It means doing ones duty without any concerns (for self-interest) or taking care of everything as if one has done nothing.


59. 只要常以眾人的安樂為安樂,以眾生的幸福為幸福,必然就是一個平安的人了。

One who deems the security and happiness of all sentient beings as ones own (safety and happiness) is naturally a person of peace.


60. 人人都可助人,真心的讚美人、鼓勵人、安慰人,給人勉勵、疏導,就是在幫助人。

Everyone can help people by sincerely complimenting them, encouraging them, and comforting them.  To give encouragement and counseling is helping people.


61. 開花結果是自然現象,開花而不結果也是正常,這就是因緣。

Flowers turn into fruits is a natural phenomenon.  Blooming flowers giving no fruits are also normal.  Such is the law of cause and effect (karmic cause and condition).


62. 因是主觀的條件,緣是客觀的因素;主觀的條件可以掌握,客觀的因素則要經營。

Cause is the subjective element, condition is the objective element.  We can control the subjective element, but the objective element requires management (cultivation).


63. 能有因緣的認知,便能從憂苦煩惱得到解脫。

The acknowledgement of karmic cause and condition can deliver us from the afflictions of worries and miseries.


64. 事情的成功與否,雖然不去計較,然而一分努力、一份用心,都是增上緣。

Although we need not calculate whether a project will be successful or not, nonetheless, every effort and attentiveness are incremental karmic conditions.


65. 因緣需要用心把握,假使因緣尚未成熟,不妨再等等吧!等待加上努力,才能在因緣成熟時好好把握。

Karmic causes and conditions require mind-control.  If they have not ripened, we might as well wait.  Patience and cultivation help us to seize the moment when they mature.


66. 「知命」與「認命」不同。「認命」是消極的態度,完全放棄生命的作為;「知命」則是認知萬事萬物有其因緣,該來的總是會來,順逆皆然。

Knowing fate is different from being a fatalist.  A fatalist has a pessimist attitude; totally give in to life without any struggle.  Recognizing fate means the acknowledgement that all things arise from their karmic causes and conditions.  Whatever should happen will happen, whether good or bad.


67. 若能知命,便能坦然面對人生的際遇。

If we can recognize fate, we can honestly face lifes vicissitudes.


68. 任何狀況下,對人要尊重,對事要負責,對自己要有智慧。

Under all circumstances, we should be respectful towards people, responsible towards things, and sagacious towards ourselves.


69. 慈悲,是對任何人不僅不去傷害他,還要去幫助他。

Compassion not only means harming no one but also helping everyone.


70. 不論何時何地,不傷害人、不妨礙人,就是保護自己,也保護他人。

We should not harm others or become others obstacle, no matter the time or place.  This is protecting ourselves and also protecting other people.


71. 不以自我中心的立場,而以客觀甚至超越主觀、客觀的立場來對待人、處理事,自己犯的錯誤就會少一些,對人也會慈悲些。

To treat people and things, not from the egocentric perspective, but from the objective, even surpassing the objective or subjective perspectives, will make us more compassionate and make less mistakes.


72. 天底下沒有真正的壞人,只有做了錯事的人;沒有真正惡心的人,只是觀念出了差錯。

There is no truly bad person in the world, only those who made mistakes; there is no truly despicable person, only those who had wrong perceptions.


73. 慈悲,是以平等、無差別、非對立的態度,來看待一切人。

Compassion means to treat everyone with equality, without differentiation or polarization, an attitude of non-duality.


74. 智慧,是在任何狀況下,心平氣和地把自己歸零,處理一切事。

Wisdom means to take care of everything with equanimity, to go back to zero, egoless under any circumstances.


75. 問題若能解決,很好!如果不能解決或者留下后遺症,也不必罣礙,只要盡人事,就不必怨天尤人。

If a problem can be solved, that is great!  If a problem cannot be resolved or will have repercussions, so long as we have done our utmost, there is no need to be worrisome (bothered by it) or complain about fate and people.


76. 慈悲待人,是幫助他、寬恕他、包容他、感動他;智慧對事,是面對它、接受它、處理它、放下它。

To treat people with compassion means to help them, forgive them, tolerate them, and enchant them (touch their heart).  To treat things with wisdom means to face them, accept them, handle them, and release them.


77. 慈悲,是怨親平等地愛護一切眾生;智慧,是恰到好處地解決一切問題。

Compassion means to love and protect all sentient beings, friend or foe, with equality.  Wisdom means to solve all problems with precision.


78. 慈悲要有智慧同行,缺少智慧的慈悲,很可能自害害人,雖然存好心,卻做了錯事、害了人。

Compassion must be accompanied by wisdom.  Compassion that lacks wisdom may harm us and otherslike the old proverb: the road to perdition is paved with good intentions.


79. 慈悲,並不是做爛好人、做鄉愿,而是做對人有益有利的事,幫助他人一起提昇心靈的品質和情操。

Compassion does not mean to be a good buddy to everyone or a goody two-shoes but to do beneficial things that help transcend others spirituality and mentality (morality).


快樂幸福 Blissful Moments


80. 人生處世,有人「混世」,有人「戀世」。混世,是渾渾噩噩度日,甚至造成世界的混亂;戀世,是對世間依戀不捨,執着與自己相關的一切。

Some people live their lives ignorantly, some with attachment.  Those who live ignorantly muddle through life, even to the point of creating chaos in the world; those with attachment stubbornly cling to everything concerning them and cannot let go.


81. 人生處世,也有「入世」、「出世」兩種態度。入世,是參與世間,救濟世界,以助人為己任;出世,則是隱遁山林,不問世事,自顧自地修行。

There are also other types of lifestyles with two different attitudes: secular and non-secular.  The secular people participate in life and regard saving the world and helping others as their duty.  The non-secular people retreat into mountains, become a hermit, totally ignore worldly affairs, and focus only on their cultivation.


82. 菩薩行者,以出世的心做入世的工作:他們走入社會、關懷社會、救苦救難,卻不戀棧世間榮華,不貪求名聞利養,這才是真正的解脫者。

A bodhisattva practitioner will do secular things with a non-secular heart.  They enter into society, care about the society, and saving those in misery or disaster; without any attachment to worldly glories or the greedy seeking of fame and riches.  Such is a truly liberated person.


83. 認知人生不如意事十常八九,不如意乃意料中事,就不會覺得不自在了。

Recognizing that nine out ten times life will not go as we wish and expecting the undesirable, we will be at ease.


84. 肯定這個世界是不完美的,有「及時雨」,也有「暴風雨」,便不會過份期待完美了。

Affirming that life is not perfect, there will be “violent hurricanes” and “timely rains,” one will not overly expect perfection.


85. 我們應該常常問自己快樂嗎?真的快樂嗎?快樂,並不是來自物質條件的刺激,而是內心真正的安定與平靜。

We should often ask ourselves: am I happy? Am I truly happy? Happiness does not come from the stimulation of material things, but from inner-peace and quietude, the real tranquility, a meditative state.


86. 與人相處,口不出惡言,就是保護他人,也保護自己。

Without saying harmful words when interacting with people is protecting others and the self as well.


87. 與人互動,給人空間就是給自己空間。

When interacting with people, giving others privacy is giving ourselves privacy as well.


88. 做任何事,一定要抱持積極樂觀的態度,自己快樂,才能讓他人也快樂。

We must maintain a positive and optimistic attitude when doing thing.  Only when we are happy can we make others happy.


89. 人如果只追求快樂,而不願意負責任,這種快樂並不持久,而往往成為心理上的負擔。

If people only seek happiness without willingly accepting any responsibilities, such happiness is not long-lasting, and often becomes a mental burden.


90. 當我們為他人奉獻時,自己就是在成長,會有一種成就感;這種成長與成就感交織的喜悅,乃是欣慰的快樂。

When we contribute to others, we are developing our potential and will have a sense of fulfillment.  This mixed joy of growth and fulfillment is the happiness of contentment (satisfaction).


91. 以厭惡、仇恨心看世界,或讓欲望無止盡地增長,都與快樂背道而馳。

To see the world with hatred and disdain (contempt), or to let desires grow like wild fire, is running the opposite direction of happiness.


92. 多一分奉獻心,少一點自私自利,就有平安,就會快樂。

In order to have tranquility and happiness, give more to a heart of devotion, less to selfishness and personal interest.


93. 賺錢不自私,有錢大家賺;大家有錢賺,才是最可靠的財富。

Dont be selfish when making money.  Share the information when there is a chance to make money; such wealth is the most reliable fortune.


94. 財富要取之有道,除了與生俱來的福報,還要加上后天的努力,並且廣結人緣。

Make fortune the right way.  We should work hard and affiliate with all kinds of people, besides the good fortune we were born with (besides our innate abilities).


95. 財富有世間財、智慧財和功德財,若能三者兼備,一定平安、健康、快樂、幸福。

There are the wealth of the world, wealth of wisdom, and wealth of merits and virtues. If we can have all three, we will be secure, peaceful, healthy, happy, and content (optimistic and happy).


96. 多做好事,多給人方便,是功德財;觀念正確,懂得化解煩惱,是智慧財。

The wealth of merits and virtues is to do good deeds, to convenience others (make others life easy).  The wealth of wisdom is to have correct views and understand how to dissolve afflictions.


97. 世間財固然重要,若能把財富當成是工具,用來布施救濟、公益行善,才是真正的大富貴者。

Although secular wealth is important, only those who use wealth as a tool to do charitable work, to help the needy, can be truly called the rich and noble.


98. 幸福人生要有「三Q」:「IQ」學習能力、「EQ」情緒管理能力,以及「MQ」道德的品質,后者即幫助人、利益人、關懷人。

A blissful life requires three Qs: IQ for the ability to learn, EQ to control our emotions, and MQ to elevate our morals, which means to help people, benefit people, and care about people.


99. 外在環境愈是不景氣,個人愈是要保持身心健康,多做些有益于人的事。

The more depressing the external environment, the more we should focus on our mental and physical health.  In other words, do more beneficial things for mankind.


100. 有奉獻心的人,就不會擔心自己不受照顧;有了願心,便有心力去照顧人。能夠照顧人,也就能夠照顧自己。

A person devoting himself to help others will not worry about his lack of care.  Our vows will motivate us to take care of other people.  Once we can take care of others, we can take care of ourselves as well.


101. 人的一期生命雖然短暫,卻要發無限的悲願心。

Our lifespan may be short, but we must avow to have infinite compassion.


102. 凡事盡心盡力,隨順因緣,緣熟事成。

Do everything with our complete devotion and utmost efforts.  If we accord with the karmic causes and conditions, when the conditions ripen, things will be accomplished.


103. 為了眾生所做的一切事情,必能心想事成。

Anything that is done for the benefit of all sentient beings will be accomplished as we wish.


104. 行善沒有大小之分,只要抱着一個善念,心就是平安的。

There are no big or small good deeds.  As long as we hold onto a kind thought, our heart will be peaceful.


105. 最好能夠發利人利己的好願,至少要做到利己而不損人,對他人沒有傷害。

It is best to make the good wish of benefiting the self and others.  At least we should benefit ourselves without harming other people.


106. 發願有其次第,從小處着手,從近願開始。存好心、說好話、做好事,是人人可以做到,人人可發的善願。

There are stages to making vows.  Start with small wishes and short-term goals.  Keep a good heart, say good words, and do good deeds are things everyone can accomplish and a good wish everyone can make.


107. 說好話、做好事,少造惡業,就能改變個人的命運,也能把人類的共業扭轉過來。

Saying good words, doing good deeds, and making less wrong deeds can change a person’s destiny and turn around the shared karma of mankind as well.


108. 為善要讓人知,卻不求回報。我們鼓勵大家都來做好事,讓好事更普及、更多響應、更長久。

Our good deeds should be known by people, but we should not seek rewards.  We should encourage everyone to do good deeds in order to let good deeds become popular and have long-lasting influences.

 [g1]Protection of the Spiritual Environment

 [g2].  Treat unusual things as usual.  Use one’s usual attitudes to face unusual things,

 [g3]The mind’s disturbances are caused mainly by the influence of surrounding environments, circumstances…..

 [g4]So long as our pain or joy is caused by other’s comment, which disturbed or influenced our mind,


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