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55.對于過去,無怨無悔;對于未來,積極準備;對于現在,步步踏實。55. Do not resent or regret the past; actively prepare for the future; and steadily tread in the present.

56. 不要光是口說感恩,必須化為報恩的行動。

56.  Don't just talk about gratitude; act it. 


57.   Worry not when first facing a task: find the right person, use the right method, and at the right moment, you will pass with flying colors. (pass the hurdle safely.) 

58. 把自我的利害得失放下,才能有通達天地萬物的智慧。

58.   Relinquish gains or losses for the self and the omniscient wisdom that embraces everything in heaven and earth will manifest. 

Wish-fulfilling Auspice 



59. Give your illnesses to the doctors and your life to the Bodhisattvas, thusly; you'll be a healthy person free from all things. 

60. 人往往因為沒有認清自己,而給自己帶來不必要的困擾。

60.   A lack of self-understanding brings unnecessary aggravation. 

61. 第一要務是學做人,那就是盡心、盡力、盡責、盡份。

61.  The first priority in life is to learn how to comport yourself; namely, to be 100% responsible, devote wholeheartedly, do your best, and act your role.

62. 處理私人的事可以用「情」,處理公共事務,就必須用「理」。

62.   "Feelings" can be used in personal matters; but "principles" must be applied to public affairs. 

63. 與其爭取不可能得到的東西,不如善自珍惜運用所擁有的。

63. Rather than attempting to gain the impossible, cherish and dexterously manage what you have. 


64. Forget about the past, future, and everything that is good or bad; just manage well the present. 

65. 若能真正放下一切,就能包容一切,擁有一切。

65.  If we can really let go of everything, we can tolerate everything and own everything. 


66.   Picking up is a method, the beginning of our endeavor, and letting go is in order to pick up again.  Progress is tiered with picking up and letting go. 

67. 不要跟他人比高比低,只要自己盡心盡力。

67.   Do not compare with others; just wholeheartedly do your best. 

68. 我們的環境從來沒有好過,也沒有那么壞過,就看自己怎么看待。

68.   Our circumstances are never better or worse.  It all depends on how you see them. 

69. 災難之后,是往正面思考的契機,人可以由災難中得到很多教訓。

69.   After a disaster is the opportune time for positive thinking.  People can learn a myriad of lessons from disasters. 

70. 只要無所貪求,無所執着,即能保有尊嚴,他人是奈何不得的。

70.   As long as a person is without craving or attachment, his dignity is intact.  Others can do nothing to him.

71. 若能珍惜當下每一個因緣,每一個當下,都是獨一無二的。

71.   Every present moment is unique if we can cherish its cause and condition.


72.  Any thing will become problematic and troublesome if we put our ego into it.   Eliminate the objective self, all are liberated. 

73. 快樂,並不是來自名利的大小多少,而是來自內心的知足少欲。

73.  Happiness does not come from the measurement of fame or fortune, but from contentment, or less desires. 

74. 說話算話,用真心講實話,用好心講好話,就是立言。

74.   Carry out your words, tell the truth sincerely, use euphemism with goodwill— this is establishing the merits of speech. 

75. 雖然身為平常人,責任心要擔起來,執着心應放下些。

75.   We, although ordinary, should take on our responsibilities and let go of our attachments. 


76. Don’t feel frustrated when busy, don’t fall into ennui when at leisure, thusly, the tide of life will not sway you hither or thither, drifting purposelessly. 

77. 一帆風順時,不要得意忘形;一波三折時,不必灰心喪志。

77.  Don’t let success get to your head when things are going smoothly; don’t be defeated or lose your will when facing life’s vicissitudes. 

78. 如果心量狹小又貪得無厭,縱然活富裕,仍然不會快樂幸福。

78.   A person, even living a rich life, will never be happy or blissful if he is narrow-minded and always covetous. 

79. 要在平淡中求進步,又在艱苦中見其光輝。

79.   Make progress in the mundane,  see light in hardship. 

80. 要在安定中求富足,又在鍛鍊中見其莊嚴。

80.  Seek prosperity steadily and see grace in adversity. 

81. 擁有穩定的情緒,才是立于不敗之地的基礎。

81.   Having a serene disposition is the foundation of success. 

心靈成長 Maturity of the Mind and Spirit


82. 心不隨境,是禪定的工夫;心不離境,是智慧的作用。

82. A mind not distracted by circumstances is the result of meditation; a mind not detached from circumstances is the function of wisdom. 

83. 以退為進、以默為辯、以奉獻他人為成就自己的

83.   Utilize retreat as a tactic for progress; silence as a mechanism for debate; devotion to others as the best way for self-actualization. 

最佳方法。The Best Measure.


84. 佛在心中,佛在口中,佛在我們的日常活中。

84.  Always keep the Buddha in our mind, speech, and daily activities. 

85. 慈悲是具有理智的感情,智慧是富有彈性的理智。

85.  Compassion is a feeling with rationale; wisdom is rationale with flexibility. 


86. South, north, east, west are all fair directions; walking, standing, sitting, and lying down are none other than the Path; bear contrition in mind always; repentance and repayment of other’s kindness yield the highest of virtues. 


87. A practitioner should be open and honest, treat everyone sincerely, and harbor no evil thoughts or non-meritorious thoughts; this is the meaning of "a straightforward mind is the Path." 

88. 當煩惱現前,不要對抗,要用慚愧心、懺悔心、感恩心來消融。

88. When affliction occurs, do not confront them head-on, dissolve them with remorse, shame, repentance, and gratitude. 

89. 踏實的體驗命,就是禪修。

89.   To experience life earnestly is Zen practice. 

90. 擁有身心的健康,才是命中最大的財富。

90.  The only greatest wealth in life is the possession of a healthy body and mind.

91. 呼吸即是財富,活着就有希望。

91.  To be able to breathe is wealth enough; so long as we are alive, there is hope. 

92. 心裡如果「打結」了,最好能向內觀看自己的起心動念處。

92. When the mind is “knotted,” it is best to examine within the place where thought arises. 

93. 被煩惱撞着了,此時最好享受自己呼吸的感覺。

93.  The best time to enjoy the feeling brought by our breathing is when we are hit by vexation. 


94. When the mind is obscured, we see the world as unfair; when the mind is untroubled, the world is beautiful. 

95. 心不開朗就是苦,心境豁達就能轉苦為樂。

95.  Suffering occurs when the mind is not sanguine; when the mind is open and wise, suffering turns into happiness. 


96.  The manifestation and de-manifestation of phenomena are common in the world.  A wise person is one who can penetrate behind the manifestation and de-manifestation of phenomena. 

97. 把心念轉過來,命運也就好轉過來。

97.   Transform your mind and your fate is transformed for the better. 

98. 智慧並不只是通曉經典,而是要有轉化煩惱的巧妙方便。

98.   Wisdom is not just erudite in cannons; it is the expertise to transform defilement. 


99. "Defilement is enlightenment" does not mean that you do not have defilement, but that you do not treat (regard, see) it as defilement. 

100. 只要心平氣和,活便能快樂。

100.   So long as we have a serene temperament, we can live happily. 


101.  In the face of anger, learn to “look within,” introspect our thoughts, and ask “why angry?” 

102. 操心就有事,放心便無事。

102.   When you are worried, you are occupied with things; when you let go, you are free from things. 


103.  Self-affirmation, self-transcendence, and self-dissolution, from "self" to "no-self," are the three stages of cultivation. 

104. 要重視善因的培育,不要只期待美果的享受。

104. Emphasize on the cultivation of good causes, don’t just expect to enjoy the fruition of good causes. 

105. 當你體認到自己的智慧不足時,智慧已經在無形中增長了。

105.  When you realize that you lack wisdom, your wisdom is actually increasing imperceptibly. 

106. 心要如牆壁,雖然不動,確有作用。

106. The mind should be like a wall—though immovable but have actual functions. 

107. 要做無塵的反射鏡,明鑑一切物,不沾一切物。

107.  Be like a dustless mirror-- reflects everything clearly but adheres to nothing. 

108. 當大家都在盲目地爭奪之時,你最好選擇另外一條路走。

108.  When people are competing blindly, it is better to choose another path. 

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