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2015/05/27 11:58:27瀏覽1185|回應0|推薦6 | |
昨晚看了一場精彩好球。法網第一輪,第一種子Djokovic雖然以三比零擊敗Nieminen,但對手的幾次破發及精彩表現,讓Djokovic第一輪其實贏得並不輕鬆。我這個網球號稱打了二十多年的人,看到轉播鏡頭於選手背後取景對手回擊過來的球,乖乖,個個是如子彈般迎面而來,說是槍淋彈雨也不為過,也十分佩服能進四大公開賽的每個選手。 不過,任何高水準的東西一進台灣,便要蒙上一層陰影。過去世足賽轉播為人詬病之一的是,上下半場各45分鐘的期間竟然硬是被插入廣告,造成許多精彩進球,觀眾看到的是重播的鏡頭,球賽趣味因此大打折扣。網球比賽,選手有休息時間,這時進廣告不影響觀看球賽,可是這些廣告又被各地方系統業者的廣告覆蓋,整體畫面素質變得極差。 本來電視台的廣告我就不喜歡了。台灣很喜歡搞人氣、以人氣做指標,人氣高好像什麼都好,廣告就反應出這樣的現象。昨晚的法網轉播,畫面出現最多的,除了Djokovic和Nieminen之外,大概就是蔡依林了。其他電視節目,我想若不是蔡依林,大概就是Janet或于美人頻頻出現。當然,這是我個人的觀點,或許有一點偏見,但我相信台灣絕對有很多其他更適合的人。 我不只得忍受電視台的廣告,更要忍受地方系統業者的廣告。這些很多講不上水準,而且幾乎是借錢、餐飲、傢俱的內容。插入的手法也很粗糙,往往電視台的廣告播一半,地方系統業者的廣告就突如其來。整段廣告時間,電視台的廣告加上地方系統業者的廣告帶給觀眾的畫面、聲音,就是幾分鐘的垃圾。 回到網球。幾個月前在BBC看到一篇文章(http://www.bbc.com/news/business-31056241),報導四大公開賽之一的溫網如何準備每年一次的網壇盛事,內容請見連接,而我對其中幾句話印象深刻: At Wimbledon, preparations for the 2015 tournament actually began on the last day of the 2014 event. "I don't think we are just competing with other tennis events, we are competing with other sports events and entertainment destinations – it is natural that we constantly reinvest," says Richard Lewis, chief executive of the All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC). "What we make from this (club tours, shop and museum) is negligible in terms of the overall financial picture," he says. "It is about providing a service rather than thinking about how much money we can make out of these. "We strategically take the point of view that the more we build up the brand the finances take care of themselves. We are fortunate to be able to take a long-term view of things." "We are always looking for new and better ways of doing things. Whether it be new infrastructure, our digital media offering, or even ways of getting customer feedback - we are always moving forward." 文創二字在台灣,我覺得跟台灣人追逐人氣的下場可能一樣。談文創,不如想想該怎麼解決以上我談到那個廣告垃圾?溫網老闆滿腦袋都在想文創嗎?“We are always looking for new and better ways of doing things.”真是一語道破。 |
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