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2015/06/06 08:06:12瀏覽412|回應2|推薦26 | |
[中国·台湾]许其正 面具(组诗) 常常有人勸我說 佛要金裝,人要衣裝 要穿西裝打領帶才顯身分 尤其是重要的集會場合 我總回答說我不戴這種面具 也常常有人勸我說 見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話 講話要因時因地因人而異 不要一條腸子通到底 我也總回答說我不戴這種面具 是的,我是不戴面具的 而且不僅是臉上的面具 人生在世,真誠最重要 別的都是其次 別和政客一樣常戴面具 回鄉尋訪 想起許多美好的人情事物 都已經或正在改變或消失 我趕緊回鄉尋訪 可憐全村只剩 一間平房瓦屋 侷處在水泥叢林間 一個舊石磨 被棄置在院子一角 一片田地 荒蕪在時間裡 古井則已被填平 鋤犂也已腐朽 其他如 樸拙呢? 真誠呢? 活力呢? 勤勞呢? 熱心呢? 所剩幾乎等於零! 很多美好的人情事物 都已經或正在改變或消失 唉,趕緊尋訪吧 父親的禁忌 沒想到父親當年的禁忌 已成了當今世界的顯學 父親連小學都沒上過 他是個不折不扣的鄉下農夫 一臉憨厚,不善言詞 常常是某些巧言鄉人取笑的對象 但是他卻有異於當時一般人的見解 尤其他說牆壁上不能亂貼紙條 因為會塗污牆壁 如果畫得太厲害,會給塗成大花臉 尤其他說塑膠袋不能被埋進土地裡 因為塑膠袋永遠不會腐爛 會妨害農作物的生長,難有好收穫 如果燃燒起來更會散發毒氣 尤其他說燈火要隨時關熄 不然家庭開支會增加 這些是他的禁忌,誰都不能違反 父親雖已離開人世三十幾年 但我從小受到父親的教誨,謹守他的禁忌 卻受到不小的打擊 曾經把樓梯間亂貼的小廣告撕下 卻遭四樓 並貼紙條在樓梯門板上咒說: 撕那些小廣告的會斷手斷腳 後來她卻被市公所以金錢鼓勵大家撕小廣告給打了巴掌 曾經在大白天光線很好時,把公共樓梯間的燈關熄 卻遭來另一邊四樓郭姓住戶罵“三字經” 有一次我走路出門,他還騎機車攔路要打我 經我以小時父親教我的“拳頭”架開 他才從此噤若寒蟬 父親連小學都沒上過 他不是什麼專家 說不出環境保護、節能減碳那些堂皇名詞 世上儘有會大聲說話而不行動的人 我父親卻是默默地做而不吹噓的 但是他當年的所做所為 卻成了當今世界的顯學 我不知道這世界到底怎麼了 無故砍樹一棵等於 對於人類甚至整個宇宙眾生靈 樹是衛士 它們總以整個生命護衛眾生靈: 風雨來時抵擋風雨 烈日當空時給眾生靈遮蔭 以養眼的綠和多彩的花美化環境 結豐碩的果實以養育眾生靈 萬一不幸身亡還將身軀無私地奉獻出來 它們更有眾生靈視而不見的先進武器 驅逐烏煙瘴氣的污染,淨化空氣 為地球的氣候奮不顧身地獻力 為眾生靈維持生命於不墜而奮鬥 那就是它們不停地製造氧氣 其威力即使槍炮氫彈都無以匹敵 它們的好處任說都說不盡 可惜眾生靈尤其人類 不但不珍惜,相反的 卻大加戕害,濫施砍伐 真是昧了良心,喪盡天良 想想吧!深切想想吧! 無故砍樹一棵等於開自己一槍! 為什麼要做這樣損人不利己的事? [ Mask (A Quartet) My friends often persuade me A smart coat is a good letter of introduction And a necktie and western-style clothes bespeak your status Particularly on important occasions of assembly I always answer I do not need the mask And my friends often persuade me When you are in The tone shall vary in accordance with the place and occasion Do not be so frank and straightforward And I always answer I do not need the mask Yes, I wear no mask Not only mask on the face In the world, sincerity is the most important Other things do not matter Do not wear a mask like a politician Visiting Hometown Thinking about many ways of the world Which are changing or disappearing I hurry to visit hometown It is pitiable in the whole village Only a bungalow with tiled roof is left Constrained in cement forest An old stone grinder Is discarded in the corner of the courtyard A piece of field Lies waste in time An old well is filled The hoe is rotten Other things such as Simplicity? Sincerity? Vitality? Diligence? Zest? Tantamount to nothing! Many ways of the world Are changing or disappearing Alas, lose no time visiting hometown Father’s Taboo Little does one think Father’s taboo in those years Has become a famous school in the present world Father has not finished his primary school He is nothing short of a countryside farmer Honest and good-natured, not much of a talker He is often held in derided by glib tongues But he has different opinions from other people Particularly he says the wall is unsuitable for pasting scrips Or the wall is besmeared In case of much scrawling, it may be a big flowery face Particularly he says plastic bags shall not be buried under the earth Since they refuse to rotten or decompose And will hamper the growth of crops, good harvest is not guaranteed If burned, there is to be poisonous gas Particularly he says fire and lamps are to be turned out in time Otherwise family expenditure is to increase This is his taboo, and nobody shall be against it Father has departed from the world for over three decades Yet influenced by Father since my childhood, I abide by his taboo But I was hit and beaten When I tore down adlets in the staircase and stairway An old lady of the fourth floor reprimanded me for marring their business And pasted a notice on the doorplate of the stairway: He who tears down the adlets are to have his hands and feet broken But later she was beaten with palms for encouraging people to tear down adlets with money by the office In broad daylight, I turned out the light in the stairway But was cursed by another neighbor Once I went out, he stopped me and wanted to beat me And I tamed him with my fist-boxing taught by Father in my childhood Since then he kept silent out of fear Father has not finished his primary school He is no expert He cannot utter imposing words such as environment protection and energy-saving and low carbon In the world there are many people whose words speak louder than their action But my father does more than he boasts But what he has done in those years Has become a famous school in the present world I do not know what has become of the world Felling Down a Tree for No Reason For human beings or even lives in the universe The tree is the guardian They protect all lives whole-heartedly: They shield off winds and rains And provide shade when there is the scorching sun They beautify the environment with nourishing green or colorful flowers And bear fruits to nourish people In case a tree dies it unselfishly dedicates its trunk And they have advanced weapons invisible to man With which to dispel heavy pollution and purify the air They contribute to atmosphere of the earth While struggling to maintain the daily life of various beings By producing oxygen endlessly The power is matchless even before gunfire and hydrogen bomb The benefits of trees are countless Pitiable is that various lives particularly human beings Instead of cherishing it, they Do harm, by indiscriminate chopping and felling Against conscience, and heartless, Think about it! Ponder over it! Felling down a tree for no reason equals to firing a gunshot toward oneself! Why such an act of harming others while not profiting oneself? (Translated by Zhang Zhizhong) |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |