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2024/10/27 07:05:57瀏覽701|回應1|推薦79 | |
作者:許其正 是在夢裡? 那夜,天黑後 我們互握著手 在路上走著…… 是在夢裡? 我的一隻手 緊握著父親的手 另一隻手握著我一家人 ——妻子、子女和孫子女的手 我們緊緊握著 不稍鬆脫 ——緊密相連,環環相扣 形成一個共同體 是在夢裡? 路上有許多人 擠來擠去 如洶湧澎湃的浪潮 要衝散我們 天又黑,視線不良 我們有時被擠得 緊握的手幾乎要鬆脫 但是我們緊記在心 不可鬆脫掉手 越握越緊 不稍鬆脫 是在夢裡? 我們就這麼走著 堅持緊握住手 絕不稍為鬆脫 即使風雨再大,路再難走 No Loose a Little Hsu ChiCheng Is it in the dream? That night, when the sun is set We go forward on the Route Hold our hands together… Is it in the dream? One of my hand Holds tightly with my father’s The other hand holds tightly with my families –my wife, children and grand children We hold our hands tightly No loose a little –fasten closedly, a ring with a ring Taken into a community Is it in the dream? There are lots of people on the roade Crowd extremely Just like the raging of wave Try to break us While the weather is dark, no good is the sight We sometimes were squeezed to be Nearly loose our hands However we made up our mind firmly Never loose our hands Tighter as we hold the hands No loose a little Is it in the dream? We just Hold our hands tihgtly Insisted never to loose our hands Even more raged the wind and the rain,more difficult the roade to walk |
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