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2024/03/04 07:32:15瀏覽1536|回應3|推薦90 | |
那時候 作者:許其正
更新: 2024-03-04 12:12 AM 大紀元時報文學世界 那時候,我住在鄉下 一個不到十戶人家的小農村 那時候,鄉下很瘠瘦 我們住在茅草平房裡 總是打赤腳走在泥土路上 穿著粗陋破舊的衣服 食物不足,加放番薯或什麼雜糧 可卻身強體健,很有活力 一大早便起床打掃庭除 然後開始一天的生活 大人下田,小孩子到處亂竄 玩水、捉魚、拈蜻蜓、賽手技什麼的 甚至幫忙放牛、下田等等 每天總是土頭土臉的 大人都忙,哪有餘力管? 時光一溜煙過去了 現在水泥叢林繁殖進鄉間了 各式各樣的轎車奔馳著 電視、冰箱、洗衣機、電腦等等 各種生活用品唾手可得 各方面便利多了 但是同樣的鄉間,地方沒變 我還是喜歡那時候,懷念那時候 至少以前沒那麼雜亂 沒那些詐騙、勾心鬥角 人們純真,樸實,笑臉常開…… 我還是喜歡那時候,懷念那時候 那時候,我小的時候 At That Time Hsu ChiCneng At that time I lived in a little countryside Where was not more than ten inhabitants At that time, it’s very poor in the countryside We lived in the thatched cottage Always on the mire road we walked The worn-out clothes we put on Added sweet potato or food grains other than wheat and rice etc. while there’re no enough food But we were strong and in good health, full of great vitality Do washing and cleaning when we got up in the early morning Then begun the living of the whole day Ploughing and weeding the adults, running and chasing the children Play-water, catch fish, chase dragonfly, wrestling etc. Even graze cattle, help ploughing and weeding etc. The time past in a trance The jungle of the cement propagates into the countryside There runs all type of the bus Can be easily obtained every kind of the necessaries of life Just as the television, refrigerator, washing machine, storage system in a computer etc. Very convenience However, it’s the same of the countryside, no change of the place I like that time still, cherish that time still At least it’s not so disorder No those much swindle, no so much to intrigue against each other People are pure, simple, always smile on their faces I like that time still, cherish that time still At that time, the time I’m in my childhood |
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