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2024/09/15 09:20:01瀏覽749|回應1|推薦60 | |
作者:許其正 那張照片最近好像常在我的心中出現 好像在某個地方拍的而且參加過某個展覽 卻又好像不是在某個地方拍的沒參加過什麼展覽 甚至是否最近真的常在我的心中出現都有疑問 連那照片的畫面看起來也不清楚 為什麼會這樣? 是紙張變質還是掉色了? 好像是又好像不是 是時間太久了嗎? 好像是又好像不是 是否我的記憶日久缺損,倒帶不出? 還是那照片的畫面本來就不清楚? 記憶裡好像本來就是影影幢幢的 好像是又好像不是 到底真相如何? 到底有沒有那張照片呢? 我拿捏不定,我拿捏不定…… Obscuration Hsu ChiCheng Recently the photograph seems appeared in my mind very often It seems I had shot it in somewhere and had showed in an exhibition However it seems had not shot in somewhere and had not showed in any exhibition Even it’s doubt whether it’s truly appeared in my mind It looks like the tableau of the photograph isn’t clear as well Why does it like that? Is the paper go bad or the paper lose colour? It seems yes but neither the seem Is it the time is too long? It seems yes neither the seem Whether my memory is too old and have some drawback to reverse Or the tableau of the photograph is not clear at first? It seems it entry and detail It seems yes but neither the seem What’s the true at the last ? Is there the photograph the last? I can’t affirm, I can’t affirm…… 2024/9/15 大紀元時報文學世界 |
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