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Profile of Hsu ChiCheng

Hsu Chicheng,a distinguished contemporary Chinese poet, writer and translator. Native of Pingtung County, Taiwan; born in 1939; LLB of Soochow University; later finished his studies at the Educational Institute of Kaohsiung Normal University. He was once an editor, a journalist, a military judge, a teacher as well as part-time director, leading member or guiding teacher to some mass organizations of art and literature. He served as a teacher for 33 years, at No. 5 Vocational School, Higher Vocational College and The state-Run Middle School in succession. He has now retired.
From his childhood, Mr. Hsu is fond of literature and writing. Since 1960 he started to publish his works, and most of his works are poems and prose, mainly depicting native land, idyllic life and nature, singing the praise of the brilliant side of human experience, based on humanity to encourage people to brace themselves up and be bent on doing good deeds. He has published 12collections of poems including the one titled Half Sky Birds and the other four collections printed –four of them in Chinese-English, two in Chinese-Greek, one in Chinese-Mongolian and one in Chinese-English-Japanese. He has published 8 collections of prose including the one titled Excellent Seedling as well as two translations. Many of his poems have been translated into English, Japanese, Greek, Mongolian, Hebrew, Russian, French, Portuguese, Maltese and recorded in near hundred selections of poems. His poems, prose works and plays have won prizes for times. His profile has been recorded in quite a few records of art and literature such as the List of Celebrities of The Republic of China, Who’s Who and 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century both published by International Biography Centre, Cambridge, England. He was conferred an honorary doctorate of literature and one of the international best poets 2004 by The International Poetry Translation And Research Centre, was conferred also an honorary doctorate of literature by The U.S. World Academy of Arts and Culture, was conferred also a doctor honoris causa in humanities as well as the best translator from English to Chinese by The International Writers and Artists Association and was presented the commemorative prize by Literary Club “Xasteron”, Greece, was presented also the honour prize by Naji Naaman’s Literary prizes, Lebanon. Moreover, he was nominated for Nobel Prize in Literature, 2014.
Mr. Hsu now specializes in reading and writing. Most of his poems are published in Chinese, English, Greek, Japanese or Mongolian both at home and abroad. He is at present the part-time adviser of Large Ocean Quarterly, and was once president of the branch in Taiwan of Cai Hong Ying Pen Society, Australia, special editor -in- chief of The World Poets Quarterly, Chongqing City, editor of Chinese Modern Poetry Quarterly, member of International Writers and Artists Association, honorary member of Literature Club “Xasteron”, Greece.

Works by Hsu Chicheng

《半天鳥》 詩集 1964年8月1日 葡萄園詩社
Half-sky Bird; collection of poems, published by Vineyard Poetry Society, August 1, 1964.

《穟苗》 散文集 1976年3月 光啟出版社
Excellent Seedling, collection of prose, published by KuanhChi Publishing House, March, 1976.

《菩提心》 詩集 1976年7月28日 三信出版社
With the Heart of a Buddha, collection of poems, published by Sanxin Publishing House, July 28, 1976.

《綠園散記》 散文集 1977年元月 光啟出版社
Random Notes in Green Garden, collection of prose, published by KuanhChi Publishing House, January, 1977.

《綠蔭深處》 散文集 1978年4月 光啟出版社
In the Depths of Green Shadows, collection of prose, published by KuanhChi Publishing House, April, 1978.

《夏蔭》 散文集 1979年8月1日 自印
The Summer Shadow, collection of prose, self-printed, August 1, 1979.

《珠串》 散文集 1991年4月 漢藝色研文化事業有限公司
Pearls, collection of prose, published by Hann Colour Co. Ltd., April, 1991.

《走過牛車路》 散文集 1993年10月 漢藝色研文化事業有限公司
Experiencing the Path for Ox Carts, collection of prose, published by Hann Colour Co. Ltd., October, 1993.

《南方的一顆星》 詩集 1995年5月 屏東縣立文化中心
A Star in the South, collection of poems, published by Pingtung County Culture Center, May, 1995.

《海峽兩岸遊蹤》(中英對照) 詩集 2003年2月 北京團結出版社
My Whereabouts on Both Sides of Taiwan Strait (Chinese-English), collection of poems, published by Beijing Unity Publishing House, February, 2003.

《海峽兩岸遊蹤》(中希對照) 詩集 2004年10月 希臘雅典克萊諾詩社
My Whereabouts on Both Sides of Taiwan Strait (Chinese-Greek), collection of poems, published by Greek Athens Keliano Poetry Society, October, 2004.

《胎記》(中英對照) 詩集 2006年5月 重慶環球文化出版社
Birthmark (Chinese-English), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, May, 2006.

《心的翅膀》(希、英、法、義、中對照) 翻譯詩集 2007年5月 希臘梧桐樹出版社
With My Heart’s Wings (Greek, English, French, Italian and Chinese), collection of translated poems, published by Greek Pheonix Tree Publishing House, May, 2007.

《胎記》(中蒙對照) 詩集 2007年6月 蒙古阿爾特斯夫特出版社
Birthmark (Chinese-Mongolian), collection of poems, published by Mongolian Artsoft Publishing House, June, 2007.

《胎記》(中希對照) 詩集 2007年8月 重慶環球文化出版社
Birthmark (Chinese-Greek), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, August, 2007.
重現(中英對照Reappearance Chinese—English) 詩集 2008年5月 重慶環球文化出版社

《山不講話》(中英日三語) 詩集 2010年3月 重慶環球文化出版社
Mountain Doesn’t Speak (Chinese-English-Japanese), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, March, 2010.

《不可預料的》 翻譯詩集 2010年7月 希臘麗希逖朋出版社
The Unforeseen, collection of translated poems, published by Greek Lexitipon editions, July, 2010.

《打赤膊的日子》(《走過牛車路》革新版) 散文集 2011年9月 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司
The Days As An Undisguised One (Revised edition of Experiencing the Path for Ox Carts), collection of prose, published by Showwe Information Co., Ltd., September, 2011.

《走過廍仔溝》 散文集 2012年3月 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司
Channeling The Buzai , Collection of prose, published by Showwe Information Co., Ltd., March, 2016

《盛開的詩花——許其正中英對照詩選》 詩集 2012年8月 重慶環球文化出版社
Blossoming Blossoms of Poetry — Selected Poems of Hsu Chicheng (Chinese-English), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, August, 2012.

《旅途上》(中英對照) 詩集 2014年3月 重慶環球文化出版社
En Route (Chinese-English), Collection of Poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, March,2014

晚霞燦黃昏 散文集 2016年6月 文史哲出版社
The Afterglow Brightens the Dusk Collection of Prose, published by Wen-shi-zhe Press, June 2016

《山不講話》(中英日三語) 詩集 2010年3月 重慶環球文化出版社
Mountain Doesn’t Speak (Chinese-English-Japanese), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, March, 2010.

《不可預料的》 翻譯詩集 2010年7月 希臘麗希逖朋出版社
The Unforeseen, collection of translated poems, published by Greek Lexitipon editions, July, 2010.

《打赤膊的日子》(《走過牛車路》革新版) 散文集 2011年9月 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司
The Days As An Undisguised One (Revised edition of Experiencing the Path for Ox Carts), collection of prose, published by Showwe Information Co., Ltd., September, 2011.

《走過廍仔溝》 散文集 2012年3月 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司
Channeling The Buzai , Collection of prose, published by Showwe Information Co., Ltd., March, 2016

《盛開的詩花——許其正中英對照詩選》 詩集 2012年8月 重慶環球文化出版社
Blossoming Blossoms of Poetry — Selected Poems of Hsu Chicheng (Chinese-English), collection of poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, August, 2012.

《旅途上》(中英對照) 詩集 2014年3月 重慶環球文化出版社
En Route (Chinese-English), Collection of Poems, published by The Earth Culture Press, March,2014

《拾級》(中英對照) 詩集 2016年1月 印度新德里作家出版社
Stepping(Chinese-English), Collection of Poems, published by Authorspress, New Delhi India January,2014

《晚霞燦黃昏》 散文集 2016年6月 文史哲出版社
The Afterglow Brightens the Dusk Collection of Prose, published by Wen-shi-zhe Press, June 2016

《又見彩虹》散文集 2019年6月 文史哲出版社
Meet Rainbow Again Collection of Prose, published by Wen-shi-she press, June 2019

《一定》(中英對照)詩集 2022年3月 文史哲出版社
Be Sure(Chinese-English) Collection of Poems,Published by Wen-Shi zhe Press, March 2022

《水琴》(中英對照) 2022年11月 秀威資訊科技股份有限公司
The Water Lyre (Chinese-English) collection of prose Poems published by Showwe Information Co., Ltd., November, 2022.
《現代田園詩人許其正作品研析》 陳福成著 評論集 2018年7月 文史哲出版社

《心田的耕耘者 許其正的創作歲月》 魯蛟等著 評論集 2019年6月 文史哲出版社

《詩中有真味 華文現代詩五周年同仁中英詩選》 許其正主編 張紫涵英譯 2020年7月 文史哲出版社

《進出一本改變你腦袋的詩集》 陳福成著 2022年9月 文史哲出版社
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vivi 之東張西望
2025/01/06 23:07



2025/01/06 23:00



Charles Lin
2025/01/06 11:38

其正兄著作等身, 尤以法學背景,卻工於詩作及英文,佩服佩服!

祝 健康順心。

其正(cchwr131949) 於 2025-01-06 17:44 回覆:
