引用文章管窺南非 - 初實體驗
動念想去南非旅行已有好幾年了. 由於朋友圈中有人僑居過南非及本身就是土生土長的南非人; 他們口中所形容的美好生活及Safari(追逐野生動物)都很令B好奇, 但那些日子都是在南非曾經的"黑白分離政策"時期. 黑人執政後, B家的公公參團大伯大嫂也訪過住南非的朋友; 他們都齊口大大讚賞南非的好, 鼓勵我們也該去旅行. 至於為何一迤再迤數年, 迤到上個月才成行?
都嘛要怪南非驚人的"治安"! 在旅行社工作的好友Y, 曾告訴過B一件令人駭目驚心的實例, 令B轉向選了其他國家渡假去. 話說她有一團客人去到南非最大都會約翰尼斯堡, 進了市中心大門有荷槍警衛的國際級旅館做check in. 趁空檔一位男客溜到對街的小商店去買了包香煙. 結果人再進到旅館, 全身上下竟已被剝得精光, 只剩一條內褲遮體. 哇~搶得厲害, 也搶了未免太澈底了吧?
為未雨籌謀避險, B此趟的南非行可謹慎得很. 全程安排專人接送, 就當護衛兼交通, 一反自己papa走隨意放蕩的常態. 從日內瓦起程加法蘭克福轉機, 共飛了約13個小時. 人一到約堡也不停留, 直接轉Ferder Air的小飛機去Kruger Park(骨骼怕-野生動物園區). 據悉從約堡如開車到B選住的Singita Lebombo可要8個小時. 既然約堡犯罪率高, 就避掉不進去, 比較安全省事吧?
出了約堡國際機場被接到Ferder Air的待機區休息 - 起飛仍用同一個機場的飛機跑道, 飛機好小才十幾個座位, 像公車一樣還途中上下乘客換更小的飛機. 那機票卻貴得很, 單程約飛75分鐘, 來回一人要R3,570 = NT$ 18,204. (不搭機的話, 總得在約堡或途中停一夜; 長程飛行後雖沒時差, 再趕5百多公里路...不過勞死才怪? 旅行真要趁年青, 老了體力可不從人心~)
Kruger Park面積約如同英國Wales省或以色列的大小, 長350km寬60km; 與莫三鼻克和Zimbabwe為鄰.
" I believe there is no sickness of the heart too great it cannot be cured by a dose of Africa. Families must go there to learn why they belong together on this earth, adolescents to discover humility, lovers to plumb old but untried wells of passion, honeymooners to seal marriages with a shared sense of bafflement, those shopworn with life to find a tonic for futility, the aged to recognize a symmetry to twilight."
- John Hemingway, African Journeys
荒野般的Kruger Park, 乾得快像沙漠? 冬季是旱期草木枯荒不易遮體, 而且水源區大縮動物較聚集易尋足跡, 春季轉暖則是追賞動物的最佳時期.
艷陽天, 雖是初春正午氣溫仍有20幾度C... 飛機跑道全只是石頭黃沙耶? Singta Lebombo專人專車早等著接客接行李.
航空站? 就只一個Singita客服亭, 有二位專人駐守~ 接機者另有二位, 都先自我介紹. 可一下子B卻記不得名字... 後來才知道是之後三天, 負責開4x4的Tracker和帶玩Safari的導遊.
清涼毛巾、飲料、水果、零食...馬上全供上. 讚! 最右那碗是羚羊肉乾香腸~
機場離Lebombo Lodge還得開45分鐘路. 延途單線雙向公路有舖瀝菁, 但車都開很慢... 原來兩邊都有動物觀望與閒蕩! 這叫Impala羚羊, 搯相機趕快閃~
這B不用說, 大家也知道! 真的好高, 還憨憨的跟我們相對望....
沒水喝的水牛, 躲在幾乎沒蔭的樹下做啥?乘涼? 延途也瞄到好幾隻很漂亮長藍尾巴的鳥和精靈的黑白毛猴子, 可是來不急抓角度就被溜了...
Antelope(奇怪中文也翻羚羊?) 有角是公的, 這隻角不長算青少年仔~
離家22小時後, 終於到了此行渡夜的首站旅店Singita Lebombo Lodge. 閱了入境招牌可別被嚇壞了!
B家兩人組是打了針又全付武裝, 有備而來的~
哇~ 這就是我們千挑萬選, 雄雄忍心花下大把銀子要住的地方喔?
Singita Private Game Reserve http://www.singita.co.za/site/store/store.asp
One of the most elegant destinations in South Africa, is situated in and around the Kruger National Park. Singita offers superb wildlife and safari experiences. A stay at Singita is about many things: exceptional gameviewing, remarkable design and innovative food and wine - all combined with warm hospitality. Singita has safari lodges in two different areas around the Kruger Park. Singita Boulders, Ebony and Castleton are situated in Singita Private Game Reserve, in the Sabi Sand, adjacent to the Kruger Park. Singita Lebombo and Sweni are in a private concession within the Kruger Park itself. Built on basalt cliff loosely described as "Eagles' nests in South Africa" - on safari at this Singita Private Game Reserve you can expect to see large herds of buffalo, zebra and wildebeest.