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2010/04/06 00:13:24瀏覽644|回應0|推薦8
看到一篇Adam Curtis-brick認為是當代記錄評論片最佳製作人-的訪談。他在這訪談裡談得比他的電視作品相對而言要來的直接些,因為受訪談文類呈現手法形態規範,讓人得以較清楚地窺見Curtis的想法。他在這裡對目前網路世界的"巴爾幹半島化"呈現及網路故事的說法的批評很重,但期待也很深。極好、極有趣的訪問。最重要的,Curtis談的這些,其實遠遠不只是在談"電視"或單指媒體。Adam Curtis的基調和Zizek其實極為類似,同樣認為現在人們所以為自己享有的自由、開放,其實並不是表面上的樣子,反而是壓制參與(engagement),塑造壓迫性秩序的體系。下摘幾句:(粗體強調效果為brick所加)

Adam Curtis: The TV elite has lost the plot

  • Our job as public service broadcasters is to take people beyond the limits of their own self, and until we do that we will carry on declining.
  • The BBC should realise that. I have an idealistic view, but if the BBC could do that, taking people beyond their own selves, it will renew itself in a way that jumps over the competition. The competition is obsessed by serving people in their little selves. And in a way, actually, Murdoch for all his power, is trapped by the self. That's his job, to feed the self.
  • In the BBC, it's the next step forward. It doesn't mean we go back to the 1950s and tell people how to dress, what we do is say "we can free you from yourself" - and people would love it.
  • TV now tells you what to feel. It doesn't tell you what to think anymore.
  • What blogging lacks is an enthusiasm about finding out about the world.

  • The Utopian idealists have kept the rhetoric[we're being empowered], but it is actually rapidly becoming something else - which is a simplifying system of social order. Not control, order. That is what it is all about.

  • ...if you analyse television now it's a system of guidance...It really is a system not of moral guidance, but of emotional guidance.

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