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2006/09/04 16:49:00瀏覽373|回應0|推薦1


Lord Acton said: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. No, that is not right. Power never corrupts, it only brings corruption out. How can power corrupt? You were already corrupt but there was no outlet for it. 


Your real nature is known only when you have power. When you CAN harm, then it is known whether you will harm or not.

空船 第二章  












The Empty Boat- Chapter : 2:The Man of Tao 

by Master Osho

I have heard about a politician who once had a great following. Many people appreciated him -- until he became powerful....

When you are not in power you look very innocent, because when there is no power what can you do, how can you hide? So your real nature comes to be known only when you get power.

Look at the Gandhians in India before Independence -- so saintly. And now everything has gone to the opposite extreme. Now they are the most corrupt. What happened? A simple law: when they were not in power they were like doves, innocent; when power came they became like serpents, cunning, corrupted, exploiting.

Your real nature is known only when you have power. When you CAN harm, then it is known whether you will harm or not.

Lord Acton said: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. No, that is not right. Power never corrupts, it only brings corruption out. How can power corrupt? You were already corrupt but there was no outlet for it. 

You were already ugly but you were standing in darkness. Now you are standing in light, so will you say that light makes you ugly? No, light only reveals.

...This politician was very much appreciated and loved, he had a charismatic personality. Then he came to power and everybody was against him. He was thrown out, his name became notorious, he was condemned everywhere, so he had to leave his town because the people would not allow him to live there, he had done such harm.

So with his wife he was looking for a new residence in a new town. He traveled to many towns just to look and feel where to stay. And then in one town people started throwing stones at him. He said, "This will be the right place, we should choose this town."

The wife said, "Are you mad? Have you gone crazy? The people are throwing stones."

The politician said, "At least they are not indifferent."

Indifference hurts you most because the ego cannot exist in indifference. With either for me or against me the ego can exist, but don't be indifferent to me because then how can I exist, how can the ego exist? 

( 時事評論政治 )
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