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回應沈潛兄的Delphi 廢墟漫步:民主之夢
2010/12/20 16:53:30瀏覽556|回應2|推薦0
回應沈潛兄的Delphi 廢墟漫步:民主之夢

見証醇厚歷史的照片, 讓人沈靜舒泰的樂曲,  metaphor豐盛的詩; 您雅緻的巧思將這些素材融合成五維空間的montage, 讀者不由然地細嚼您的佳譯而審思民主。謝謝沈潛兄的介紹, 參閱威基網頁才認識詩人Lawrence Ferlinghetti, 才知道他是SF literary landmark的 City Lights Bookstore和出版社的創立者, 原來他也自許是Walt Whitman的wild children之一。

H. Fausset 著書《Walt Whitman : Poet of Democracy 》(1995年再版) 裡有一句: The vicious strength of the acquisitive impulse, through which democracy in America has been persistently defeated by plutocracy。詩人Ferlinghetti耿耿於懷的大概是貪婪、財富當權。

美國的憲法和權利法案(Bill of Rights) 的機制是可以保障少數的權益和防止古雅典的直接民主在(大約)西元前430到380年之間degenerated 的tyranny of the majority (多數人暴政)。誠如Ferlinghetti這首2001年3月的詩所指出, 這些機制並無法防止財富在背後操弄民主。今年一月, 美國聯邦5位保守思想的大法官以free speech為由,壓倒4位自由思想的大法官,判決政府不能禁止公司、工會出錢影響政治選舉。正反雙方合起來共有5位大法官寫了合計180頁的意見, 其中90頁是自由派的John Paul Stevens大法官的見解, 他並且在法庭上演講20分鐘, 他激昂地說”the majority (大法官)had committed a grave error in treating corporate speech the same as that of human beings” 。我同意Stevens大法官的理由, 這樣縱容財富介入選舉終將損害民主。兩週前, 共和党國會議員堅持延伸包括高所得者的減稅期限兩年, 奧巴馬和民主党議員早就言明不讓高所得者再減稅兩年; 結果是奧巴馬妥協, 同意高所得者的減稅來換取其他舒困的措施。我不得不同意共和党國會議員”公平”的論點。

1 9世紀的尾聲, Mark Hanna, 共和党檯面人物背後的有名推手,  斷言“There are two things that are important in politics. The first thing is money, and I can’t remember what the second one is.” 這是美國政治生態的無奈。

台灣的政治生態大概不容許高所得者露骨地左右政府和立法, 這是好事。但是我觀察到台灣的政治和媒體的心態是有讓人憂心的地方, 也就是多數人暴政的陰影。例如最近二代健保企圖強迫佔少數的高收入者多繳保險金; 又例如媒體對陳幸妤的凌遲。

tyranny of the majority也可以說是 mobocracy,  (mob + cracy即 domination by the masses) ,  古希臘語則以οχλοκρατία (即Ochlocracy) 稱之。

mob(暴民)的語源是拉丁名詞 mobile vulgus(即 excitable crowd) 的簡稱。就是古雅典的excitable crowd判死西方文明最偉大的老師蘇格拉底; and Plato endeavored his whole life to right its wrong。

Just的法律是要能保護所有的人, 無視財富、地位、人氣。僅管各有立場,媒體也應該要有骨氣維持just 的行為來對待任何官員、民眾。民眾積極地參與和媒體持恆的挑剔才能敦促政府(行政、立法、司法) 不致於失去民主政制應有的機能。

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2010/12/26 20:55

What a honor and pleasure to have your revisits! Whatever can be shared and understood are truly of Life and for Life, as Life itself is meant so! This I have come a long way to learn to appreciate. My gratefulness for your warm words here. You are surely most welcome....

As ancient civilization that initiated democracy and western thoughts, Greece is stil capable of inspiring us.... sigh, with its rich antiquities.... Nonetheless, much to be learned from Greek cultures, especially for us ethnic Chinese..... as we are of a very different type with our own dignity and pride and in need of renewal for 21th century. Indeed, we are going to celebrate our 100th anniversary..... sobriety needed amidst cheers..... Hopefully we could learn from where we have fallen....

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

A big thumb up!
2010/12/20 22:28

Hohoho... How glad to see you post it as an article....

Below is my reply just posted... sorry for scribbling in hustle...


My friend, gratefully read. THis feedback does deserve its own place as a formal article....as you've obviously put a lot of efforts in it!  My friend, plz post it in your blog and let it more accessible to  readers! It is so informative and very opinionated. For sure it is my honor and pleasure to be able to read it here, but it might be a waste here, being sqweezed in obscurity.

Currently bound, I could not write in sufficient length. Your warm encouragement is deeply appreciated. Merry Christmas! 

ben 邯鄲學步中(bendelphi) 於 2010-12-24 15:21 回覆:
Ha, ha, thanks 沈潛兄 for the response.
I found myself drawn to your Delphi articles again and again. With a serene quality, the music sets the stage for contemplating the poetic metaphors which Ferlinghetti artfully evoked.   As such, I felt compelled to write down my appreciation for these 2 articles and some thoughts about American politics in particular, as well as the extreme form of populism which may hinder the evolution of Taiwan democracy.  With the exception of my simplistic view on Taiwan media’s handling of Miss Chen, the bulk of my response is not of the interest of general public.   Not only it is esoteric in nature, it is also not directly match the tenor of your articles. 
I do feel uncomfortable about my tangential  (first) response.  So please do not burden yours elf with additional feedback.  I would appreciate the title of that piece of music you used in those 2 articles, thank.
By the way, I enjoy 愛琴海夏日傳說 too, although I have not set foot on Greece soil.  I also ran into your thoughtful article  活在當下.  There are more to explore and savor in your library. I would find time to visit all.  Thanks for sharing your creative thoughts.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, enjoy the centenary festivity on the founding of Republic Of China.