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16 Jan 2013 - 07:31 in Repent2013 tagged 慈悲實踐大愛, 法譬如水, 靜思晨語 by MoyaTseng
Realize Great Love with Compassion
常常對大家說:「時日過去,命亦隨減。」所以我們要時時精進。 I always say, "With each passing day, we draw closer to death." So, we must always be diligent. 精進最重要的就是要培養我們這念心,我們若能以大慈悲心實踐大愛,我們就能夠發揮出大智慧力超越煩惱。 It is very important to be diligent in cultivating our minds. If we realize Great Love with great compassion, we transcend afflictions with great wisdom Compassion is Great Love. 放棄私我的執著 Let go of selfish attachments to open your heart wide. Realize Great Love with great compassion. Transcend afflictions with great wisdom. 慈悲就是大愛,大愛就是無私,我們要放棄私我的執著,我們才能開啟開闊的心。大愛的範圍到什麼程度?「心包太虛,量周沙界」,沒有界線。 Great Love is unselfish. We must let go of our selfish attachments so that we can open up our hearts. What is the scope of Great Love? Our heart is so open it can encompass the universe. There are no limits. 就算是在我們的日常生活中,很微細的待人接物當中,我們的心也要常常培養出慈悲;待人做事都離不開慈悲,有了慈悲,很自然你就能禮讓,自然在人事物中你就能感恩。當我們對事物感恩心起時,我們就要記得,這叫做「大愛」,這叫做「慈悲心」。 Practicing this in our daily living can be very subtle. We need to cultivate compassion in our hearts. Be compassionate in everything you do. With compassion we are naturally courteous, and naturally grateful in all things. When we are grateful for all things, this is called Great Love. This is compassion. 我們在《靜思晨語。法譬如水。懈怠等同廢棄物命》說過了,我們的心一定要顧好,除了日常精進,我們不能懈怠,但是最重要的是我們要培養智慧。 As we said before, we must take good care of our minds. Besides being diligent and never being lax, it is most important to cultivate the mind. 心懷慘毒備起煩惱 When our hearts are cruel, we are extremely afflicted. We cause strong evil winds to fan the flames of transgressions. If this fire constantly blazes without stopping, the slight goodness of our Threefold Karma will be burned away completely. When kindness is exhausted we become lcchantika. 假使我們這念心,還懷著那分煩惱無明,心不善念,只要有一點點的不善念,那念惡的種子,就如菩提林中有一小點火種;只要境界現前,這個火種就像被猛風吹起了罪的種子,火就會助長起來;火種一起動,一燒起來,功德林也都燒掉了。 If there are still afflictions and ignorance in our minds, or if we have negative thoughts, even if there are only a few of them, they are evil seeds. They are like a small fire in the Bodhi- forest. This fire, under conditions like fierce winds, will flare up and give rise to transgressions. The fire will grow with the wind's assistance. When this ember ignites, the Forest of Merit and Virtue will be burned down. 所以我們每天每天在精進,到底為了什麼呢?我們的目標如果很清楚,自然就會時時控制住我們的無明。所以常常以一句《靜思語》和大家互相勉勵:「開頭時對人好,時時說感恩,事事要尊重;平時要記得心存有愛。」 So, why are we being diligent every day? If we are very clear on our goals, we can control our ignorance. So, we always encourage each other with Jing Si Aphorisms. We start by being nice to people and always saying thanks. Respect everything. Remember to have love in your minds. 有的人就說:「自己人不必。」自己人就是「親緣緣」,我們之前都說過了,愈是和我們接近的人,緣愈近,要更注意--「你是要和人結好緣?或是結惡緣?」即使是我們自己人也一樣,緣如果結得不好,今生此世,還有來生來世,所以這種親緣緣,實在是沒完沒了!所以我們就算是對待和我們很親近的人,我們還是要以克己復禮的精神,時時要克服自己的心,時時要維持禮節。 Some people say, "We don't have to do that among ourselves. We already have close affinities with each other. As we have said, the closer we are to someone, the closer our affinities. Do we want to create positive affinities or negative affinities? Shouldn't we do the same with each other? If we do not create good affinities, that affects this life and future lifetimes. These close affinities are truly never-ending. So, toward those closest to us, we still need to discipline ourselves and be courteous. We need to always discipline our minds and maintain proper etiquette. 禮節的表達就是感恩,待人當中互相表達的是尊重、愛,這就是一種復禮的精神和行動。若能如此我們才不會輕輕一個無明火一吹,我們的習氣種子,煩惱無明又被打動了。這就是我們平時學佛要用功。 We express courtesy through gratitude. When we deal with others, we express our mutual respect and love. This is the spirit and practice of courtesy. If we can do this, a tiny flame of ignorance will not be fanned to stir up the seeds of our bad habits or our ignorant afflictions. This is what we work on as we learn Buddhism. 三業,身口意這三業很不容易調伏,若是我們已經好不容易才調伏下來,但是我們的習氣若再生起,「三業微善」也一樣會被火燒掉,那就很可惜了! We have with much effort controlled the Karma of our body, speech and mind, but if our habitual tendencies are revived, the "slight goodness of our Threefold Karma" will still be burned down. That us a pity. 所以我們每天都在做「一闡提」,「一闡提」就是「斷佛種」。是什麼方式,會使我們障礙道心、佛種呢?第一不信因果,不信業報,不親近善友,這些都會障礙我們向前精進。 It is destroying the seeds of Buddhahood . What creates obstacles to spiritual cultivation and Buddha-seeds? First, not believing in cause and effect, not believing in karmic retribution, and not being close to benevolent friends. These hinder our diligent progress. If we do not have beliefs, our faith is not firm. 我們常說:「信願行。」幾天前不是也和大家分享過:「我們要立信立願立行。」所以信是道源功德母,有了信,我們才能常常培養我們的善根。所以我們這分信仰,對我們所選擇的道路不能起疑心;我們所選擇的是學佛,行菩薩道,既然學佛,要時時提高警覺。佛者覺也,我們凡夫,若是缺少這分自我覺悟,要如何才能有覺有悟呢?所以還是要能夠時時提醒自己。 We often talk about faith, vows and practice. A few days ago I shared that we need to establish faith, vows and practice. Faith is the source of the Way, mother of merits. With faith, we can cultivate our roots of goodness. So, with our faith, we must not let doubts arise about the path we have chosen. We chose to learn Buddhism, to practice the Bodhisattva-path. Since we do so, we need to be always raise our awareness. The Buddha is the Enlightened One. If we ordinary people are lacking in self-awareness, how can we attain enlightenment and realizations? Through constant reminders. 所以這念信心,既然建立了,就不要再受外面迷惑了我們。所以我們一定要立信,我們立信之後一定要堅定。所以不要正法不信,這樣也不行;我們要信因果,還要信業報--有因有果,自然就有業報。所以一定要提起這分,正確的信仰。 Since we established this faith, we must not be deluded by external things. So, we must establish our faith. After that, we need to remain firm. Do not doubt Right Dharma. That will not work. We must believe in cause and effect, believe in karmic retribution. With cause come effects, so naturally there is karmic retribution. We must have these correct beliefs. 再來,我們一定要親近善友,我們也要做他人的善友。我們時時要做不請之師,有的人好像言行觀念有偏差,雖然他沒有來問我們,我們若看到,旁觀者清,我們要自動趕快去勸導他:「你的想法和你最近的行為,是不是你再重新考慮一下?在旁邊所看到的…」等等。 Then, we need to be close to benevolent friends. Not only that, we need to be a benevolent friend to others. We need to always be unsummoned teachers. If someone's speech, actions or perspective seem off, even if they did not ask us, as long as we see it, as an objective bystander, we need to go to them and say, "Do you want to reconsider your perspective and your recent behavior?" From where I stand, it looks like…" 慈濟人,人人都在發願做不請之師。還有人說:「我要做一個不請之奴。」奴就是奴僕,人家在辛苦,我趕快要去幫忙他做事。我們能看到我們的慈濟人,不請之師,不請之僕,他願意去為人做事,無非是為了那分愛。這分慈悲,不忍心眾生在貧窮苦難中,這不就是菩薩的心嗎?不就是佛陀所教我們的慈悲大愛嗎?所以這就是我們應該要學的。 Tzu Chi volunteers have all vowed to be unsummoned teachers. Some people also say, "I want to be an unsummoned servant." Servants are like slaves. As others toil, let us help them. Look at our Tzu Chi volunteers, they are unsummoned teachers and servants. They are willing to do things for others solely out of love. In their compassion, their heart goes out to the poor and suffering. Isn't that the heart of a Bodhisattva? Isn't this the compassion and love that the Buddha taught us? This is what we need to learn. 我們一定要信因果,要信業報,同時我們也要一直親近善友。有一群善友,自然我們就能大家相約去做好事;這也是要說感恩,大家有志一同, We need to believe in cause and effect, and in karmic retribution. Also, we need to be close to benevolent friends. With a group of benevolent friends, we can arrange to do good deeds together. We need to be grateful for this, grateful that we share the same mission. 所以我們不要做出那一種闡提。要成為一闡提其實是這麼的簡單,你如果沒有信仰心,信若不是很堅固,你若是不信因果、不信業報,或是不親近善友,那就斷佛種了。所以,我們只要能夠多親近善知識,常常自我提醒,我們自己就能拔除一闡提。 So, do not become lcchantika. Icchantika is very simple. If we doubt cause and effect, or karmic retribution, or are not close to benevolent friends, we destroy the seeds of Buddhahood. We can free ourselves of being Icchantika. 上回我對大家說,還有另外一種是「善的一闡提」。善怎麼也一闡提呢?因為他立信立願,他相信因果、相信業報,所以他知道,世間眾生芸芸受盡苦難。就好像地藏菩薩發願「地獄未空誓不成佛」,所以他要能夠成佛的時間,還很長很長,因為地獄什麼時候才會空呢?這就是善,在善的愛很大。 Last time, I told everyone that there is a good form of Icchatika. How can there be a good kind of Icchatika? These people have established faith and vows, believe in cause and effect, karmic retribution. So, that know that sentient beings endure much pain and suffering. Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, for example, vowed to not become a Buddha until Hell was entirely empty. This will take a long time, because when will Hell finally be empty? This is goodness. Love rooted in goodness is tremendous. 眾生如何能度盡?地獄度不盡,人間更度不盡。所以有人就問:「師父,您如果這一生過了以後,您發願要去哪裡?」我回答說:「再回來啊!」他又問:「為什麼要再回來?您不是說人間很苦嗎?」我就說:「是啊!就是人間很苦,所以才要再回來人間。」所以我們慈濟人常常都會說:「快去快回,記得再回來那個小菩薩會很可愛。」大家都很相信。 How can we help transform all sentient beings? If we cannot transform all those in Hell, we definitely cannot do it in the Human Realm. Some people ask, "Master, where do you vow to go after this life?" "I will come back." "Why come back? Didn't you say the Human Realm is full of pain?" "Yes. That is precisely why I am coming back." So, Tzu Chi volunteers often say, "Leave quickly, and come back quickly. The little Bodhisattvas that return will be very cute." Everyone believes that. 因為到目前為止,科學這麼發達,還沒有發現任何一個星球有生命。來來回回,唯有在人間。那麼淨土在哪裡呢?在心裡!佛的世界在哪裡?也是在心裡。 Because up to now, even though science is very advanced, we have not discovered another planet with life. So, we only come and go in the Human Realm. Then where is the Pure Land? In our minds. Where is the Buddha's world? In our minds. 佛在靈山莫遠求 Do not seek the Buddha on Spirit Peak for away. Spirit Peak is in your mind. Everyone has a pagoda on their own Spirit Peak, so practice in that pagoda. 「佛在靈山末遠求,靈山只在汝心頭,人人有個靈山塔,好向靈山塔下修。」佛離我們多遠?在我們現在的面前,你的隔壁,你的前面,你的後面。在我們周遭無不都是發心,人人心中有佛的人。所以我們應該要接近佛菩薩,實在是在我們的日常生活中,打開大愛,不要有自私,我們若是自私,就無法行於大愛。 "Do not seek the Buddha on Spirit Peak for away. Spirit Peak is in your mind. Everyone has a pagoda on their own Spirit Peak, so practice in that pagoda." How far away from us is the Buddha? Right now He is right in front of us. Next to us, in front of us, and behind us are all people with resolve, with the Buddha in their minds. So, let us be close to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Truly, in our daily living we open ourselves to Great Love and are not selfish. If we are selfish, we cannot practice Great Love. 所以我們要大慈悲心,實踐大愛,這一定要以大智慧力,才能超越煩惱。 So, we realize Great Love with great compassion. We need great wisdom to transcend afflictions. 就好比說,在墨西哥提娃那,那個地方,是一個很貧困的沙漠,有很多人來到那裡暫居在那裡,在等待機會越界到美國去。但是在提娃那,那個村莊,是一個生活很不好,很多非法,沒有報戶口的人很多,沒水沒電,還一片像沙漠一樣。那裡的人,孩子沒有辦法接受教育。雖然那個國家提供教育,教育不必繳學費,但是有一項,就是你若沒有戶口,孩子就無法受教育。 Take Morita in Tijuana, Mexico for example. It is a desert, and people there are poor. Many people temporarily live there to wait for their chance to cross the border to the U.S. but life in Morita, Tijuana is terrible. There is a lot of lawlessness. Many people do not register as residents. They lack water and electricity. It is barren like a desert. Even though the country provides education, where children can go to school for free, they cannot receive education without registering as residents. 幸虧一顆種子去那裡帶動,那就是我們在墨西哥的邊界,有一位發心的菩薩阿容(謝坤榮,法號慈續);我們這位委員,發現了這個村莊,她向我們美國的慈濟,就是加州,向他們討支援,從此開始有慈濟人進入這個地方。從一九九四年,我們開始來來回回;一九九五年就為他們蓋學校,就這樣開始,有孩子上學了,那個地區整個亮麗起來。 Fortunately, there is a Tzu Chi seed. At the borders of Mexico there is a dedicated Bodhisattva named Hsieh K'un-jung. She is our commissioner. When she discovered this neighborhood, she asked Tzu Chi USA, in California, to provide them with assistance. So, Tzu Chi volunteers began going there. Starting in 1994, we went there often. In 1995, we built a school for them. So, the kids began attending school. Then the area started to flourish. 家長也知道了,孩子如果沒有受教育,整個家庭代代都是這樣一直拖下去,沒有教育就沒有希望。孩子既然有這所學校,能接受教育,家長很歡喜。尤其是慈濟人,那種愛的呵護,就像我們這邊有懿德媽媽一樣,常常都是去照顧他們,去教育他們,教育生活的規矩等等…無形中,政府對我們這所學校開始重視。 The parents knew if the kids were not educated, subsequent generations would be without education and thus without hope. So, now that these kids can be educated at the school, the parents are very happy. Tzu Chi volunteers also protected them with love. Like here, they had Class Mothers who often took care of them, taught them the rules of life, and so on. Gradually, the government began to value this school. 尤其是又有很多人遷居來這裡,提娃那這個地方,他們來到這裡安居下來,孩子就能夠就讀我們的慈濟小了。所以那個地方,政府也開始重視了,讓這個村莊也已經有水、有電;差不多百分之七八十,開始有水、有電了。人口不斷遷居進來,所以把這個貧民窟,現在好像一個小城市一樣。 Many people even moved to Morita, Tijuana and settled there so the children could attend Tzu Chi Elementary School. When the government began valuing this neighborhood, they provided water and electricity. Roughly 70-80% have water and electricity now. People kept moving in and turned this poor area into a small city. 慈濟人開始,在那個最最貧困的地方,去撒播愛的種子,以竹筒歲月的精神去引導他們。甚至也把一些媽媽們集合起來,幫她們職訓,給她們職業訓練,訓練到她們會做衣服,讓孩子如果入學,能夠不必去買,自己就能做衣服,也能較便宜一點賣人。所以大家的生活都在改變。 Tzu Chi volunteers began spreading the seeds of love in that poorest of places. They guided them to help others as well. They even gathered some mothers and provided vocational training. By training them to make clothing, if their kids wanted to attend school they could make clothes instead of buy them. They could also sell them cheaply. So, everyone's lives were changing. 同時也要這些媽媽們,也要進來當愛心媽媽,來幫助這個學校,整理這個學校。所以這所學校,不論是老師、校長、家長,這樣把這股力量結合起來。甚至有貧困的人,也能開始就地取材,開始能幫助人。 At the same time we invited these mothers to be Class Mothers, to help manage the school. So, in this school we unite the strength of teachers, the principal and parents. Even people living in poverty can use their local resources to help others. 他們在二OO七年的年初開始,就是志工培訓,在十二月受證了。受證什麼,志工,還沒有正式受證委員,只是受證志工。 At the beginning of 2007, we set up volunteer training, and many were certified on December 30. Certified as what? As volunteers. They were not commissioners yet, just volunteers. 尤其是那裡的副校長非常認同,曾經來過我們的學校,看到我們從南非帶回來的孩子,那裡的校長也回來。那裡的副校長回去之後對慈濟那分真心投入,她是當地人,所以我們當地也已經有種子了。 The vice principal was particularly supportive. She visited our school here and saw the children from South Africa. That year the South African children came along with their principal. Afterwards, she became very dedicated to Tzu Chi. She was a local. So, now we have a local seed. 令我最高興的,就是政府也已經重視這個地方,也已經開始來這裡蓋中學。所以從一個教育的沙漠,生活貧困的地方,現在已經成為一個小城市。現在教育很完全,慈濟的小學,政府的中學,又帶出一大群,已經有四十多人的志工。 What makes me happiest is that the government really values this place. They already built a middle school. Once a place that lacked education, a place of poverty, it has become a small city. Their education is very complete. There is a Tzu Chi Elementary and a public middle school. We also built up a group of over 40 volunteers. 這就是愛,我們要以大慈悲心去實踐大愛,我們要以大智慧力去超越煩惱,就能夠克服。 This is love. Let us realize Great Love with great compassion and transcend afflictions with great wisdom, overcome them. 雖然世間有這麼廣,但是人一多,人人一念愛心,這一念愛的種子能產生無量。無量的種子也是從一而生,這是無量義經的道理。所以我們大家對這念心,要很清楚,這一闡提,一種是斷了佛種子;一種是大愛。Although the world is vast, if there are more people with love, one seed of love can lead to an infinite number. Infinite seeds also arise from one. That is the teaching of Sutra of Infinite Meanings. So, let us all be clear about our thoughts. One type of lcchantika will destroy seeds of Buddhahood. Another type develops Great Love. 大家要多投入;不要以為:「我就是將來要往生佛的淨土,我害怕,害怕這個娑婆世界!」不要怕,我們永遠發願做慈濟,讓人人都成佛,我們就成佛了;人人若都幸福,我們就幸福。所以還是要在娑婆世界,發心立願--「大慈悲心實踐大愛,大智慧力超越煩惱」,所以大家時時多用心。 Everyone must join in. Do not just keep hoping to go to the Pure Land. Do not be scared of the Saha-world. Do not be afraid, just keep going. If everyone becomes a Buddha, we will become a Buddha. If everyone is blessed, we will be blessed. So, remain in the Saha-world and make vows. Realize Great Love with great compassion. Transcend afflictions with great wisdom. Everyone, please always be mindful. |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |