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《靜思晨語。法譬如水》491. 知因識果
2013/01/28 07:51:16瀏覽480|回應0|推薦0

23 Jan 2013 - 22:39 in tagged , , by MoyaTseng

Understand Karmic Cause and Effect


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Daily living is inseparable from cause and effect. There is no effect without cause, no retribution without conditions. Buddhist practitioners must mindfully take this to heart in order to remain alert.


In learning Buddhism, we must believe in and understand karmic cause and effect. There is no effect without cause, no retributions without conditions.


We must believe that everything in our daily lives is inseparable from karmic cause and effect. Since it involves everything in our daily live, when everyone comes here to practice, the rules of this practice center are to wake up early to join the morning practice.

禮佛之後,時間到了,禮佛完畢,在這裡坐就是因為聽經,師父要跟我們分享佛法,所以我們在這裡坐。禮佛之後,結果在這裡坐,在這裡坐也因為要聽經,所以因果 果因。有在這裡坐的因緣,所以才有可以聽經的結果,這就是每天的生活中可以親身經歷體會的因果。

After we pay our respects, after the morning recitation is over, we sit here and listen to teachings. I share the Buddha-Dharma with everyone, so we all sit here. After paying our respects, the result is that we sit here. The cause for sitting here is to hear Dharma. So, there is cause and effect, effect and cause. With the causes and conditions of sitting here, we have the effect of hearing Dharma. This is our daily routine.


After leaving the Buddha-hall, we go to breakfast. Why do we need breakfast? For our daily living. Yesterday is finished, and today we woke up early, it is a new day. We need energy and nutrients to carry on the day. So, we need to eat each morning. The cause of hungry leads us to eat our meal. After the meal, what is the effect? The effect is that we are full. When we are full, we have the energy for another day's work. Then it is lunchtime. Why? Because we have used up our energy.


Our three meals a day are due to cause and effect. Everything that we need in life is related to causes conditions and effects. Is it really this simple? Are we only talking about daily living? Certainly not. In our daily lives, we easily create causes and affinities with others that lead us to experience future effects.. so in life, each day consists of cycles of cause and effect.


If we talk about our many lifetimes, there are also cycles of cause and effect. Effects do not take place without causes. If you do not create bad affinities, the corresponding conditions will not appear, and no effects or retributions will take place.


So, we should mindfully experience this concept.


There was an international news report of a 12-year-old girl who was abducted by three criminals on her way home from school. They kidnapped her, took her to a house and forced her to marry one of the men. This girl refused and struggled against them, so they tortured her.


Her disappearance was reported to the police, and an investigation was opened. When these men learned the police were after them, they felt it was not safe to be around people, so they took her farther into the mountains.


This was in Ethiopia, which is a large country. There was a forest close to the city. When they got there, they were tired. They threw the girl on the ground. So they could get some rest, but they suddenly heard a sound behind them. It was as if someone was pursuing them. When they turned, they saw three tigers that darted toward them with mouths wide open. The three men ran off.


These three tigers watched the men run off. This girl was very frightened and began to scream loudly in fear. The tigers stopped. When the girl saw the tigers pausing, she quieted down. The tigers spread apart and surrounded the girl. The girl was very scared in their presence, so she dared not move.

經過了一天,追蹤的人隨後到達了,而這個女孩子的親人和警察也都到了。大家圍著看,要怎麼辦呢?老虎把她包圍著,要怎麼辦?大家也不敢太冒險,所以還是圍 在外圈,也不敢作聲,就怕老虎回過頭來,所以大家也在哪裡不敢亂動。這三隻虎看到人來,也很溫馴,虎性也沒發作,三隻虎就起身,靜靜的走過去了。

After a day, the police and the girl's family arrived at the scene. They did not know what to do because the tigers still surrounded her. They did not want to take any risks, so they did not dare make a sound, fearing the tigers might turn and see them. So, everyone stayed very still. These tigers also saw that people had arrived, yet they remained very docile, not fierce. They stood up and walked away peacefully.

這故事是杜撰的嗎?不是,是真的在衣索匹亞發生的。大家在猜測,獸醫也在猜測,這三隻虎可能都是母虎,也有母性,很可能這個女孩子在那邊哀號,害怕大聲 喊叫,可能母虎的天性,就把這個女孩子當成他的孩子,所以圍起來保護她。這種母性的愛,是很有可能的。

Was this story fabricated? No, it was a true news article from Ethiopia. According to the article, many people, including veterinarians, speculate that they might have been female tigers with maternal instincts. It was also very possible that the cries of this young girl, the cries of this young girl, who was loudly calling out in fear, brought out this instinct in the tigers, so they treated her as their own child. This is very possible.

這是在當地的報紙,有這樣的分析。這種猛虎類,平常看到人類就要咬了,為何能在那裡守護?也很有可能,當很多人都來的時候,他們能那麼溫馴的離開,可能他 們也有這種意識,知道女孩子在這裡有危險的時後,他的親人到達了,女孩就得救了,所以離開。這也是不可思議,還有很多其他不同的猜測。

According to the analysis in the paper, such tigers usually attack humans on sight. Why would they be protecting her? It is possible that when the rescuers arrived, they left peacefully because of the tigers' motherly instincts. Perhaps they knew that the girl's family had arrived to rescue her from danger. So, they left. This is all truly incredible. There are many different theories.


Is this relayed to cause and effect? It should be related. We often see incredible stories in the Sutras about animals saving humans or men saving animals. Within the Six Realms, causes and conditions are constantly created. So, there are mutual effects and retributions. This is not impossible.


Perhaps the girl had saved these tigers in a previous life. There could be other reasons. But it comes down to karmic cause and effect. Although the girl was abducted and tortured by the three men, she was not sexually assaulted. The men did not kill her, they only tortured and punished her. They arrived at that place at exact moment the tigers appeared.


It is truly amazing. The workings of karma are inconceivable. Buddhists must believe in karmic retribution.


經中說言 業報至時
非空非海中 非入山市間
無有地方所 脫之不受報
唯有懺悔力 乃能得除滅

The Sutras indicate, when karmic retributions arrive, whether one is in the air, in the sea, in the mountains or in the city, there is no place to escape retribution. Only repentance has the power to eliminate karma.


So, "The Sutras indicate, when karmic retributions arrive, whether one is in the air, in the sea, in the mountains or in the city, there is no place to escape retribution. Only repentance has the power to eliminate karma."


This means that if you have karma, when karmic retribution arrives, no matter where you run, where you flee, you cannot escape. Until you encounter that karmic retribution, you also cannot die.


In the Sutras, there is a story about three individuals with spiritual powers. A celestial being told them that although they were on different days, they would die on the same day. How would they die? One would be burned to death, while the others would be killed in different ways.


They said, "That's strange. We have such strong spiritual powers. Why would we die like that?" But in their hearts they also knew that this celestial being was almost always correct in his visions. So the three men decided to split up on the day that they would all die.


The one who was destined to burn to death would take a boat out to sea so fire could not reach him. Another said he would hide in the mountains so death would not find him. Another said he would hide in the mountains so death would not find him. The third man said he would go into the city where death could not find him among so people. "There are so many people, how could death find me?" So, the three men split up.


Consequently, the first man's boat caught on fire. We often hear about boats catching fire when they are out at sea. This man fled to a boat, but the boat unfortunately caught fire. So he burned to death. The person hiding in the mountains was attacked and killed by beasts. The last man, who was in the city, surrounded by others, stumbled into a brawl as he was passing by, and was mistakenly killed.


非空非海中 非入山市間
無有地方所 脫之不受報

So, whether one is in the air, in the sea, in the mountains or in the city, there is no place to escape retribution.


So, whether one is in the air, in the sea, in the mountains or in the city, there is no place to escape retribution. Whether one is in the air, at sea, in the mountains, in the city or anywhere else, there is absolutely no place where one can escape. So, there is no such thing as escaping retribution. That does not exist.


唯有懺悔力 乃能得除滅

Only repentance has the power to eliminate karma.


Only repentance has the power to eliminate karma. Repentance purifies, and if one does not create further causes, one will not receive more retributions. If we made mistakes in the past, we should repent at once. Repentance brings purity. By repenting, one does not suffer retribution.


But, we still need closure for our past actions and in the future, we still must constantly repent. So, when we talk about karma and retributions, the karma is like the seed. Karma is the cause, retribution is the effect. If you have a seed of an orchid, it is a cause. If you take it and cultivate it, you will get an orchid. With a seed, when many conditions come together, the fruit will ripen.


So with karma, there is retribution. The retribution is the formation of the orchid. If we have only seen an orchid and not its seed, we would not recognize the seed, even if it were in front of us. Although we may see the cause, the result, the retribution, allows us to understand what it is. Retribution is our experience.


Whatever we do, we will have certain experiences. When cause and effect take shape, we have the sensation of certain emotions toward others. Of course, many conditions are necessary for this to happen. So, retribution is the effect. Causes can lead to effects; the cause will continuously move toward the effect. If you have a seed, it will develop into the fruit, just like being born to certain parents is determined by karma and affinities.


The affinities with our parents lead us to be born into their family. After birth, we continue to proceed toward our future effects. So, causes can lead to effects. We are constantly pulled by karmic forces as we mature, give rise to thoughts and create good or bad karma. So, causes can lead to effects. Causes keep following the karmic forces of effects.


業是因 報是果
因能趨果 果能造因
因果果因 循環不斷

Karma is the cause and retribution is the effect. Causes can lead to effects, effects can create new causes. This cycle of cause and effect, effect and cause continues unceasingly.


Effects can create new causes. We have already reached this point due to our attitude and conduct, but what we create now gives rise to more causes. So, the causes of previous lives are effects in this one, and the causes in this life lead to effects in future lives. The cycle of cause and effect, effect and cause is continuous and never-ending.


If we did not encounter the Tathagatha, we would have no way to hear the Buddha-Dharma. Without hearing Right Dharma, contemplating, and practicing it, without repenting transgressions, we have no way to extinguish bad causes, and the would be no chance to be free of suffering. When karmic causes ripen, one will certainly receive retribution. So when retribution occurs, there is nowhere it will not take effect. Once the retribution arrives, no matter where one hides, it will still occur. Whether on land or sea or air, there is no place one can hide to escape such effects.


So, we should understand karmic retribution. One can never escape karmic forces. Since we now know, we should always repent. Then perhaps we may suffer lighter retribution for our serious karma and be given a second chance.


So, everyone, karmic cause and effect is inconceivable. Everyone should believe in it and please always be mindful.

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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