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18 Jan 2013 - 19:38 in Repent2013 tagged 慈能付出予人福樂, 法譬如水, 靜思晨語 by MoyaTseng
With Kindness,Bestow Blessings and Joy
古德 諸善孝為先 For the ancient sages, filial piety was foremost of all goodness. With benevolence, one can be accepting and endure without conflict. 古德有云--「諸善孝為先。慈能付出予人福樂,和能趣眾入人群中,仁讓寬容能忍無諍。」這些就是做人的根本。 "For the ancient sages, filial piety was foremost of all goodness. With benevolence, one can be accepting and endure without conflict." The basis of being human is goodness. 每一個人都有家庭,每一個人都有父母,家庭的教育,親子的倫理,應該就是「善」;善就是以「孝」為先。 Every person has a family; everyone has parents. The principle of familial relationships should be goodness. The foremost goodness is filial piety. 常常說:「父母是孩子的模。」孩子在家庭所受的教育就是孝,能孝順父母,就能友愛兄弟;能友愛兄弟,將來在學校求學,自然他能尊重長輩,那就是師長了。若能友愛同學,將來出社會,自然見老者為長輩、自己的親人;見所有年齡相彷彿者,就如自己的姊妹;較幼小的,就如自己的子女。這人生要從家教開始。 Parents are their children's role models. If children are taught to be filial, they will love and respect their siblings. If they love and respect their siblings, when they go to school, they will respect their elders, their teachers and their schoolmates. As they enter society, they will see others as their family. They will respect their elders, treat those their own age as their siblings, and those younger as their children. One's life begins with family education. 能有家教,再接受到學校的教育,之後才能夠走入社會。所以古德這樣說:「諸善孝為先。」也是一個小家庭,也是一個大社會的寫照。所以我們要看守好家庭的教育。 Then with schooling, one can enter society.As the ancient sages said, "Filial piety is foremost of all goodness." A small family is a portrait of the entire society. We should value family education. 再來,「慈能付出予人福樂」。我們人人既然長大成人,開始能分辨在社會,要如何才能跟社會像一個家庭?一定要培養慈的心! Then with kindness, we can give blessings and joy. As adults, we can understand that making our society more family-oriented requires kindness. With kindness, one gives willingly. 所以這念慈就是「很願意付出的人」。你若能夠平時就很願意付出,這就是給人人的福與快樂。所以才說是「慈能付出予人福樂」。 If we always give willingly, we bestow blessings and joy to others. So, with kindness one bestows blessings and joy. One also needs to be harmonious with others. 又再還需要「和」--和能趣眾入人群中。若我們大家都很和氣,能培養和氣的心態,無論你走入哪一個人群,都是受人歡迎;所以我們要常常要培養這個和字。 If we all get along with everyone, and cultivate a harmonious mindset, we are welcome among any group of people. So, we should always cultivate harmony. 「家和也是萬事興,人和就是萬事成」。所以這個和字,是做人處眾入群,最重要的要領。 When families and people are harmonious, everything is achievable. So, harmony is the most crucial thing in being with others. 仁和慈是一樣的意思,那麼我們有仁德,人與人之間我們要能讓。這個「仁」字,你看就是人兩個以上,人與人之間我能要能讓;讓就是寬容,心就是要能寬能包容,這樣就能忍無諍。我們的心宅若寬大,自然世間沒有什麼事情是我們所不能忍耐的!我們若能夠忍而無忍,變成了是一種很自然,透徹人間事,就沒有那種忍無可忍。 Benevolence is the same as kindness. With benevolence, we can yield to others. The character for "benevolence" has two people. In our relationships, when we can yield to others, we are being accepting and forgiving. We must be accepting and accommodating, then we can endure without conflict. When our heart is wide open, what matters in this world can we not endure? If we can endure effortlessly, so that it becomes something very natural, we can see into the truth of the world, and we will never reach the end of our tolerance. 我們應該「忍而無忍」。這個「忍而無忍」和「忍無可忍」是差很多;「忍無可忍」,就是說我稍微讓你一下,但是我們所讓那個的寬度很窄,你就會很快感覺--「我讓到這裡,我就不想再讓了」。所以忍無可忍,他就反彈,開始那個反彈出來的力量就很大,殺傷力也是很大。 We should endure as if there is nothing to endure, which is quite different from reaching the end of our tolerance. Reaching the limit of our endurance means we can only endure so much. Such tolerance has limits. If we reach that limit, we do not wish to yield anymore. It has become unendurable, so we retaliate. This retaliation may be fierce and aggressive. 我們修行就是要「忍」,忍了之後就是變成我們的功夫。 In our spiritual practice, we must have patience. This patience becomes the skill to endure. 學佛無不都是學一念心 Learning Buddhism is about cultivating the mind. In working with people, goodness comes first. Bestow joy with kindness, be in harmony with others, and quell disputes with benevolence. 所以,學佛無不都是學於一念心,這念心我們若能夠有善、有孝、有慈、有和、有仁,天下還有什麼事情能夠刁難我們呢?所以我們要好好學。要處群入眾,我們也就要以善為先,以慈來予樂,以和來處眾,以人來化爭端,這就是我們要學的。 Learning Buddhism is about cultivating the mind. If we have a mindset with goodness, filial piety, kindness, harmony and benevolence, what worldly matters can cause trouble for us? So, we should learn to get along with others. We must also put goodness first. Then we can bestow joy with kindness, be in harmony with others and quell fights with benevolence. This is what we must learn. 我們說過了,很多的罪,無論是輕,無論是重,無論是粗細,或者是自作,若自作,若教他作,若隨喜作,這都是一個心念。就是欠缺了「善念」,他就會自作、教他作,或者是隋喜作。作什麼呢?作惡!所以我們應該要培養這分「善心、慈心、和氣、忍讓」,自然就不會造業--無論是粗細,或者是重或者是輕。 As mentioned, many wrongdoings, whether mild or severe, obvious or subtle, whether we committed them ourselves, or whether we caused others to do so, or just went along happily, these are all created by the mind. When one lacks good thoughts, one may commit them oneself, or cause others to commit them, or just go along happily to commit them. To commit what? So, we should develop a mindset with goodness, kindness, harmony and acceptance. Then naturally we will not allow any types of wrongdoings to occur. 這個習氣若有一個惡,欠缺了慈悲仁讓,那如此就是大小罪惡,就是都會從這個習氣生出來。 If we have negative habitual tendencies and lack compassion and forgiveness, large and small transgressions will arise from these habitual tendencies. 若以勢力逼迫令作 Whether we use force to coerce others, or go so far as to praise the actions of wrongdoers. 那接下來這段懺文就又這麼說--「若以勢力逼迫令作,如是乃至讚歎行惡法者。」 The next section in the repentance text says, "Whether we use force to coerce others, or go so far as to praise the actions of wrongdoers." 這一段的意思就是說--前面是輕重粗細,我們自己去作或者是教人作,或者是隨著人去作,全都是惡業的事情。又再下來這段就是又再更強,不只是自作,他還要以勢力去壓迫人去作;不只是教人作而已,還仗著自己的勢力,去壓迫人去作。 The previous passage talked about transgressions that were mild, severe, subtle or obvious. We may have commited them ourselves, led others, or followed other to commit them. This is all negative karma. What is the passage we just read is more severe. Not only did we commit wrongdoings, we also used force to coerce others to do so. 還有一種「如是乃至讚歎」,像是這種也是不對的!就是當有的人在旁邊做惡,雖然我們沒去作,但是看到這種大惡大逆的人,在這種的人道逆倫,那無善、無慈、無仁、無愛。 We did not just lead others, we used our power or authority to force others to commit wrongs. "We go so far as to praise." This is incorrect. But some people on the sidelines, though they do not commit wrongs, watch people who do these deeds, which go against human ethics and morals and lack goodness, kindness, benevolence, love. 這種人在強迫人去作惡,他也是畏懼惡勢力。他不敢去說這個人不對,不只是不敢評論他,他還替他說好話。這種的是非不分,雖然自己沒有去作,但是是非模糊掉了,沒有那個道德勇氣,所以不敢去分析,反而讚歎--「讚歎行惡法」。還有這種的人,不只不敢說,還去讚歎:「對啊!對啊!」 As they watch people force others to do wrong, they fear the aggressor's power and instead of criticizing these wrongdoings, they praise the aggressor. They can no longer tell right from wrong. Although they did not commit any wrongdoing, they cannot distinguish right from wrong, and lack the moral courage to analyze the situation. Instead, they "praise the actions of wrongdoers". These people not only do not dare speak against evil, they praise it and say it is right. 你看,現在天下的國與國之爭,人與人的對立,這都是出自於「讚歎行惡法者」,所以會變成了天下很多的人禍。 Look at all the conflicts between people and nations in the world. It comes from "praising the actions of wrongdoers". This leads to many man-made disasters. 所以我們要很用心,每個人都要時時顧好這念心,才不會去造業!這個業若一作下去,真的是很大,這將來墮入地獄,是非常的苦不堪言。 So, we should be very mindful. We must always look after our minds to prevent them from creating karma. If we create a lot of negative karma, we will descend into Hell, and suffer unspeakable pain. 今日至誠 Today I sincerely repent all wrongdoings. 所以--「今日至誠,皆悉懺悔。」 So, "Today I sincerely repent all wrongdoings." 所以我們每天每天,都在說起心動念,這起心動念是很可怕。小人物小錯誤,中人物中錯誤,大人物大錯誤,所造作的是驚天動地。 Every day we talk about the thoughts that arise in the mind. These thoughts can be very fearsome. Depending on one's position or status, the severity of one's mistake varies. An influential person's error can shake the world. 所以我們大家要時時提高警覺,我們若是有朝一日,沒有去顧好這念心念,那個煩惱無明沒有降伏,說不定這些罪業,輕重粗細說不定我們都會去犯著。 So, we must always be highly vigilant. If we are not careful with our thoughts, and do not subdue our ignorant afflictions, we may commit these various transgressions, whether mild, severe, obvious or subtle. 「自作」、「教他作」或者是「見作隨喜」,這都是在我們的日常生活中。所以我們要時時有懺悔的心,要培養這個懺悔的習慣,才能夠降伏惡念的習氣。 We may do them ourselves, lead others, or follow along happily. This all occurs in our daily living, so we should always be repentant. By developing the habit of repentance, we can overcome negative habitual tendencies. 願承是懺悔一切諸惡 I vow to repent all evils. With the merits that arise, life after life, may we be kind, harmonious, loyal, filial, humble and patient. 再來有說--「願承是懺悔一切諸惡,所生功德,生生世世慈和忠孝,謙卑忍辱。」 Next, the verses read, "I vow to repent all evils. With the merits that arise, life after life, may we be kind, harmonious, loyal, filial, humble and patient." 對啊,我們就是要培養時時懺悔的心;我們若能夠時時懺悔,很自然「一切諸惡」都能遠離。這些懺悔之後,若輕若重若粗若細,這些我們全都是把它懺除了。 Indeed, we should always hold a repentant mindset. If we always repent, then naturally, "all evils" whether slight or serious, obvious or subtle, will all be eliminated. I often say that everything is due to our habitual tendencies. Since negative thoughts arise from our tendencies, we should develop the habit to repent. 常常都對大家說過:「都是一個習氣!」既然那個惡念是從習氣當中生起來,我們也是要,培養一個習慣的懺悔,就能夠時時提高警覺。所以我們起一個動念,我們要趕緊警覺性提起,那連起這個動念我都要懺悔。即使沒有去作,我們也要懺悔,因為我們心的動念起了,我們就要趕緊懺悔,自然那些一切諸惡,就不會繼續產生;就不會讓我們用身體去作。 This habit is to heighten our awareness. Whenever thoughts arise, our vigilance quickly arise and we will become repentant. Even if we have not committed wrongdoings, we should still repent, because we have given rise to such thoughts. Then naturally, these evils will no longer continue to be produced and will no longer cause us to act. So, if we "repent all evils" , they will be eliminated, and merits and goodness will arise. 所以「懺悔一切諸惡」,自然惡滅,自然就「所生功德」--善就能生。所以所生的功德,能讓我們「生生世世慈和忠孝」。這就是因為懺悔的力量,把那些惡的習氣都去除了!我們現在就是要累積,這個善的功夫、善的力量。 With the merits that arise life after life, "may we be kind, harmonious, loyal, filial". After negative habits are eliminated through the power of repentance, we should accumulate the power of goodness and master the practice of goodness. So, do not forget what I have said about merits and virtues. 所以「功德」這兩個字,大家不要忘記--「內能自修、外能禮讓」。「內能自修」就是內在的功夫,內在的功夫就是培養習慣;要培養好的習慣,這就是內在的功夫,這內在的習慣用功! Cultivate internally, be courteous externally. Internal spiritual practice is the skill of developing and nurturing wholesome habits. When one works hard on improving habits, one becomes courteous and accepting on the outside. 所以內能夠好好自修,表現在外面的行為自然你就能禮讓。無論是諸善奉行,好的事情,我們就要能隨喜,趕快來去做;我們知道這是好事,這些好事對人人有益,這就是慈悲心。我們慈悲能夠造福人群,帶給人群時時快樂,這就是寬闊的心。我們能夠禮讓,這叫做道德。 We should do all good deeds. No matter what it is, we should take joy in it and quickly do it. Doing benevolent deeds that benefit others is kindness and compassion. With kindness and compassion, we can bring blessings and joy to others. With an open heart, we can be courteous and accepting. This is virtue. 因為我們處眾入群,合合氣氣在人群中,帶給人快樂,我們與人沒有爭端;因為我們的心能夠包容,我們常常都能忍讓無諍,這就是我們的功德。我們內心養成了這種習慣,外面的行動就是這樣。 When we are with others, we bring harmony and joy to them. We do not fight with others because our minds are accommodating. If we are always forbearing instead of combative, we have merits and virtues. As we develop such habits, we exhibit them with our actions. 所以「所生功德」--這種的習慣養成了,自然不只是今生,我們能夠生生世世,自然我們在人群中,真正很習慣性的慈和忠孝。 So, "With the merits that arise", these habits will be formed, not only for this life, but for life after life. When we are with people, we will bahitually be kind, harmonious, loyal and filial. 我們有的人,看著那個人脾氣很好,又很孝順,很善良很慈悲,無論人家怎麼說他,不論什麼環境多麼惡劣,他都能夠堪得忍耐。對他來說,覺得說這沒什麼。 Some people have good temperaments, they are filial, benevolent and compassionate. Regardless of criticism or terrible environments, they can endure. It is not difficult for them. 一位慈誠隊「陳金傳」。你看,他在家庭是多麼孝順!小時候父母沒有空,無法照顧他,但是阿嬤能夠照顧他。所以他除了感恩父母以外,就是要進責任孝養阿嬤,像這種有那個反哺之恩! Mr. Chen Jin-tzuan is a Faith Corp member who is very filial. When he was young, his parents were too busy, so his grandmother took care of him. So, besides being grateful to his parents, he is very filial to his grandmother. 阿嬤現在九十多歲了,他每天都揹她揹上揹下。每一回揹著阿嬤,身上的體重如果感覺比較輕,他的心就很不捨。看著他抱著阿嬤、揹著阿嬤,推著阿嬤在外面走動,對家裡能這樣孝順;三餐這樣子餵阿嬤,阿嬤嘴如果沒有張開,他自己嘴就張開開,對阿嬤說:「阿嬤,啊。」阿嬤的嘴就會跟著他:「啊!」他就餵進去了,像是母鳥在餵小鳥一樣,那種的孝真的感動人。 His grandmother is over 90 now. Each day, he carries her around. Whenever he senses that she has lost weight, he worries. He carries her around the house, takes her outside on a wheelchair, and feeds her three meals a day. If she does not eat, he will open his own mouth and say "Ahh," until she opens her mouth to take in the food he is holding. It is just like a mother bird feeding her young; it is very moving. 所以他的孩子,他就說:「爸爸是,對我最好的教育。他現在對阿嬤是這樣,我將來對爸爸也是要這樣。」所以他將整個家庭,都帶入慈濟來。 His children say that he is a good role model. They say they will treat him the same as he treated their great grandmother. He brought his entire family into Tzu Chi. 還有他是協力隊長,他怎麼帶人呢?有的很剛強,他就是發願,要讓人人都能夠進入慈濟來;令人入慈濟,見聞就有利益了!所以這是他的心願,在社會有朋友,有過去認識的人,或者是現在才認識的,他都是用心想辦法要怎樣把他引進來。引進來的道場,最好就是環保站,所以他在環保站中,把這些人都邀約進來。大家受他感動,自然進來了。 He is also the leader of a Concerted Effort Team. How does he lead others? Some are very stubborn. But he vowed to guide everyone into Tzu Chi. Once they join, they will benefit from learning. This is his hope. He introduces Tzu Chi to his old and new friends, trying to mindfully guide them in. The best way is through recycling. He invites them to our recycling centers. When they are touched by what they see they will naturally join. 他度較剛強的,他有妙法。這種的妙法不是用嘴巴說的,是身體力行帶著他做。知道說今晚哪一位師兄,他要開環保車出去;他如果下班回來了,無論多累,他都趕緊自動跑去幫忙,去帶動環保;以十分柔軟的身段去帶人,這就是他的妙法。 For those who are more stubborn, instead of just talking, he will guide them by example. If he knows that a certain volunteer is delivering recycling materials, he will help after work. Regardless of how tired he is, he will be there to lead by example. He leads others by humbling himself. This is his special method. 甚至平常時就會,把這些隊上的師兄邀請召集起來,就跟他們說:「來,我們帶家人出去外面走走,陪父母出去踏青。」他自己一樣,家庭帶出來,阿嬤要帶出來。若看到說爬比較陡的,就趕緊把阿嬤抱起來,用走的。有很多人看到他的行動,就此開始都這麼學。 Sometimes he even invites volunteers on his team to go hiking with their families. He also brings his own parents and family along on these outings. When the road is steep, he carries his grandmother. Many people who saw such gestures began to learn to be filial to their own elders. 上面還有長輩的,就是孝順;對家庭如果自己有不好的習氣,要改過;對家裡的太太妻兒,就是要用愛。這就是對人群教育的方法!看,這就是「慈和忠孝,謙卑忍辱」。要帶人也要忍辱。 They would change their bad habits and treat their spouses and children with love. This is the method of educating others. This is being ‘kind, harmonious, loyal, filial, humble and patient". To lead others, we must be patient. 各位,我們應該要好好利用,現在這個身體;有這個因緣,我們能夠互相鞭策、互相勉勵,在這個道場中,我們要好好養好我們的習氣。錯的不能做,我們時時要提高警覺;小的從我們本身,在我們的範圍,或者是在我們範圍以外的,社會人群等等…我們都要培養這分好的習慣。 Everyone, we should better utilize our current bodies and conditions to encourage and learn from one another. In this spiritual training ground, we should develop our habitual tendencies so as not do wrong. We must always be vigilant of our conduct and surroundings. We should also be aware of the greater society and of humanity. We should develop good habits. 我們如果對人,起了一分不滿的心,要趕緊警惕、懺悔。懺悔的念若生出,那個惡隨即消除。那培養好這種的習慣,自然我們今生、來生、生生世世,這分功夫永遠跟著我們到生生世世。 If we give rise to a resentful thought toward others, we should detect it and repent. With a thought of repentance, evil is eliminated. We should cultivate this kind of habit. Then we will carry it with us in this life and our lives to come. 人群中結好緣--「未成佛前,要先結好人緣」。所以慈和忍讓,這都是善的根本,請大家時時多用心! Then we can create good affinities with others. We need to develop good affinities before attaining Buddhahood. So kindness, harmony and forgiveness are all fundamentals of goodness. Everyone, please always be mindful. |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |